Linux Change Journal Driver Installation

This procedure applies only to those Linux operating systems that explicitly use the DPX change journal driver. Note that RHEL 6.7, CentOS 6.7, RHEL 7.x, CentOS 7.x, SLES 11 SP4, and SLES 12.x and later do not use the DPX change journal driver.

For Linux servers, you may have to install the Change Journal driver. The recommended procedure is as follows:

  1. Reply No to the prompt, then finish the installation without this option.

  2. Perform the software update process described in Chapter 6: Updating Catalogic DPX

  3. Install the Change Journal driver manually from the command line:

    1. Navigate to the 'misc' directory.

    2. Run the following program: ./bexconfxrc

Note. If core requirements are not met, the Change Journal installation may fail quickly. If this happens, ensure your Enterprise conforms to all compatibility requirements including:

  • LVM2 is required on all DPX Linux clients' file systems including root. Each VG Group must set aside at least 10% unallocated space, reserved as unused empty space. If the VG space is already completely allocated, more space needs to be added.

  • The following components must be on any Linux client: make, compiler, kernel-devel package.

  • Linux clients must be running a standard, vendor-provided kernel.

  • Ensure certain OS packages and tools are installed. Read knowledge base article 42628.

See also. For the latest system compatibility details regarding supported hardware, file systems, applications, operating systems, and service packs, see Compatibility Guide.

If any core requirements are not met, make corrections and reinstall the change journal as in step 3 above.

  1. If the procedures above still do not work, collect logs and contact Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support.

    • Run the following commands: script BEX.txt uname -a lsmod mount vgdisplay rpm -q -a exit

    • Collect the resulting BEX.txt file, along with /var/adm/messages and the /tmp/cjinstaller.log files, and supply this to Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support for review.

Note. A problem with Change Journal driver installation does not stop you from continuing with the remainder of DPX deployment, but it prevents you from backing up the node. The Linux node can and should be scanned into the Enterprise, however, backup will not succeed until the Change Journal issue is resolved.

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