Creating the Agentless VMware Backup Jobs from the HTML5-based DPX Management Interface

Take the following steps in the HTML5-based DPX Management Interface:

  1. Log in to the HTML5-based DPX Management Interface. From the navigation pane, open Job Manager.

  2. Click New Backup Job to open the New Job window.

  3. On the New Job window, provide the following information:

    • Enter a name for the job in the Job Name field.

    • Select VMware for Job Type.

    • Select a Job Folder. The default is SS_DEFAULT.

  4. In the SOURCES pane, click Add Source. The Source window will open. Expand the source host and select the VM and then click Select. You may search for a source in the Search field for sources using the search feature. Results may be organized in Breadcrumbs View or Tree View.

  5. In the DESTINATION pane, click Set Destination. The Destination window will open.

    Expand the destination host and select the volume and then click Select. You may search for a destination in the Search field for destinations using the search feature. Results may be organized in Breadcrumbs View or Tree View.

  6. In the SCHEDULES pane, click Set Schedule. The Schedule window will open. For one-time backups, select Once. Catalogic DPX can also schedule routine backups by selecting to run a backup Hourly, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. All schedules must provide a time to begin the backup in the Run Backup at field, a start date in the Select start date field, and a retention period in the Retention day(s) field. Additional fields allow for the customization of the schedule through providing end dates, a frequency per hour or day, selecting days of the week, the number of weeks, or selecting days in a month.

  7. After setting the options for the desired schedule, click Save.

In addition, you can configure the following Advanced Options:

  • Set Notification Options can be set up to send an e-mail to the operator that initiated the job as well as configured to send an output e-mail. Fields that are available include the Subject, To, CC, and BCC fields. Multiple addresses may be separated by a comma.

  • Set Source Options can be configured to allow the ability to report a job as failed if the VM or VMDK is skipped (enabled by default), use SSL encryption (not enabled by default), to quiesce VM file systems and applications (enabled by default), and to include VMs with the Catalogic DPX Client installed (not enabled by default). Script options are also available that allow pre-job and post-job scripts to be run. Additional options are available to execute run or skip the job and to subsequently run or skip the post job script.

  • Set Proxy can be configured to allow for the automatic selection of a virtual proxy for the job, select a specific proxy to process the job, or to select all proxies. By default, the Catalogic DPX Master Server contains a proxy.

  • Source options

Always run as base backup

Enable this option to create a base backup every time the backup job runs, instead of creating an incremental backup which is based on the last base backup.

Include VMs with DPX client installed

Back up or skip the VMs that have the Catalogic DPX Client installed.

Quiesce VM file systems and applications

Enable this option so that Catalogic DPX holds the file system and applications on the source VM. Or, disable the option so that Catalogic DPX backs up the VM while it is running.

Report Job as failed if VM/VMDK is skipped

This option specifies how the job status is reported in cases where unsupported VMs or VMDKs are skipped.

Enable this option so that the backup job is reported as failed if a VM or VMDK is skipped because it is not supported. Or, disable this option so that the backup job succeeds with warning messages if unsupported VMs or VMDKs are encountered.

Use SSL Encryption

Enable this option so that Catalogic DPX reads data from the VMware ESX server using SSL encryption. Data written to secondary storage is not encrypted. Or, disable the option so that Catalogic DPX does not read data from the VMware ESXi server using SSL encryption.

  1. Click Save to save the backup job to open the Run Job window.

  2. Click Run to run the job.

Attention! In general, it is not recommended to back up VMs from different vCenters in the same backup job.

Last updated