Option 1 - bexbrick

  1. Log into the Exchange server as a user who is a member of the domain administrator’s global group.

  2. Open a DOS prompt and change the directory to the tools subdirectory of your main directory.

Note. At any time you can run bexbrick --display to see current profile, registry, user group, and service information.

  1. For single instances, run the following:

     bexbrick --config --pass password

    where password is the password of the user you logged in as.

    For multiple instances, run the following:

     bexbrick --config --pass password --server ExchServerName

    where ExchServerName is the name of the Exchange Server.

  2. Respond to prompts. Following is sample output for BEXbrick --config:



\-\-\-\-\-\- A utility to set up brick level exchange mailbox backup**



Do you agree with the following data? If yes, type YES, otherwise type NO


Exchange Profile Name - BEXProfile

Exchange MailboxName - Administrator

Exchange Server - exchv3

DPX ServiceName - CmagentService

CmagentService Service Logging User - MyDomain\\Administrator

CmagentService Service Logging Password -




-----------Creating the Profile-----------------------

Creating profile "BEXProfile"

Configuring Message Store...OK


-----------------Stopping the Service-----------------

Stopping the Service (CmagentService) .....

Service (CmagentService) stopped successfully


-----------------Updating the Service-----------------

Updating the Service with new data (CmagentService) .....

Service (CmagentService) updated successfully


-----------------Starting the Service-----------------

Starting the Service (CmagentService) .....

Service (CmagentService) started successfully


-----------------Updating DPX Settings ---------------

Updating Registry Settings to look for (BEXProfile) profile


-----------------Adding User to Domain Admins-------------

Adding user (Administrator) to Domain Admins Group



Configuration of Exchange Mailbox is successful

  1. Confirm setup by running BEXbrick --display. Following is sample output for BEXbrick --display:



\-\-\-\-\-\- A utility to set up brick level exchange mailbox backup**


-----------------------Displaying Exchange Profiles -----------------

Profile: BEXechv3 Server: exchv3 User: administrator

Resolved User: /o=First Organization/ou=First Administrative  
Group/cn=Recipients /cn=Administrator

Profile: BEXProfile Server: exchv3 User: Administrator Resolved User:  
/o=First Organization/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients /cn=Administrator

Profile: exchv1 Server: exchv1 User: administrator

Resolved User: /o=First Organization/ou=First Administrative Group 
                cn=Recipients /cn=Administrator

Profile: exchv2 Server: exchv2 User: administrator

Resolved User: /o=First Organization/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients 

Profile: srv1 Server: exchv1 User: exchv1_u1

Resolved User: /o=First Organization/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients 


-----------------Displaying DPX Registry Settings ----

Profile used by DPX - (BEXProfile)


------------------Displaying User Group Membership Information ---

Global groups which user (Administrator) is a member:

\-\- Group Policy Creator Owners

\-\- Domain Admins

\-\- Domain Users

\-\- Schema Admins

\-\- Enterprise Admins

Entries enumerated: 5


-----------------------Displaying Service Information -----------

Service (CmagentService) configuration:

Type: 0x10

Start Type: 0x2

Error Control: 0x1

Binary path: C:\\<BEX-product-path>\\215\\bin\\cmagent.exe

Load order group:


Start Name: BEXCLUSTER\\Administrator


Last updated