Using the Device Configuration Wizard

The Device Configuration Wizard is mostly self-explanatory.

  1. The wizard prompts you to log into your Enterprise. Log into the master server as an administrator. After entering your credentials, click Next.

  2. The wizard displays all nodes in the Enterprise that can serve as controller nodes. Determine where to install and configure the media changers, and select those controller nodes. The recommended controller node is the master server. Click Next to continue.

  3. The wizard scans the selected nodes for SCSI devices. When the nodes have been successfully scanned, Done appears in the status column, and the Next button becomes enabled. Click Next to continue.

  4. The wizard displays all unconfigured tape libraries that are accessible by the selected nodes. Select a tape library that corresponds to the controller node. Click anywhere in the entry’s row and then click the Add to Enterprise... button.

  5. The wizard requests information about the tape library you selected. a. Complete the active fields in the dialog:

Before clicking Next, double check that the Device Type is correct as it cannot be changed later.

b. When you have filled in all the required information, click Next.

  1. The wizard displays a list of devices attached to the newly added tape library. If you need to change the device names, you can do so on this window. Click inside the Device Name field and enter a new one. Be sure to press Enter after typing any entry. When you are finished changing device names, click Next.

  2. The wizard indicates that the tape library is added by placing a check mark in the box in the left-most column on the New Tape Libraries window. If you have additional tape libraries to add to the Enterprise, repeat steps 4 through 6 for each. When you have finished adding tape libraries, click Next.

  3. Complete the wizard as needed for your setup. If you encounter an error, click View Log. A log file appears which can be used for troubleshooting. Save the log file by clicking Save…

  4. Click Exit to exit the Device Configuration Wizard.

Edit the information for any of the devices in the management console by opening the Configure Devices window by clicking the Configure tab at the top of the window, then selecting Devices from the task pane.

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