Using the Management Console to Configure Exchange Nodes

Configuration (adding an Exchange node to the Enterprise) is similar to adding any other node. Configuration through the management console entails two main steps:

  • Step 1. Add a node group if it does not already exists. In the case of a DAG, all the nodes of the DAG must belong to this node group, which will contain physical Exchange nodes and the virtual node. See Step 1. Add a Node Group for Exchange Nodes.

    In the case of a standalone node, the node can be added to any node group.

  • Step 2. Add physical Exchange nodes(s) and a virtual node to the node group. See Step 2. Add Exchange Nodes to a Node Group.

Note. DPX must be installed on a node before it can be added to the Enterprise.

Step 1. Add a Node Group for Exchange Nodes

All DPX nodes must belong to node groups. A standalone Exchange can be added to any node group. However, all nodes (physical and virtual) of a DAG must belong to the same, dedicated node group. If you have multiple DAGS, you must have a node group for each DAG.

To add a node group to the Enterprise:

  1. Click the Configure tab, then click Enterprise.

  2. On the Task Panel, click Add Node Group.

  3. A dialog appears in the right pane, where you enter information to define the node group. See Adding a Node Group in the Reference Guide.

  4. Click Add.

Step 2. Add Exchange Nodes to a Node Group

To add an Exchange node to a node group:

  1. Click the Configure tab, then click Enterprise.

  2. In the left pane, select the node group.

  3. On the Task Pane, click Add Node.

  4. Enter information to define the node. See Adding a Node in the Reference Guide.

  5. After you complete the Add Node fields, click Add.

  6. When a DAG node is added, DPX scans the DAG for other nodes (physical or virtual) that have DPX installed but which have not yet been added to the DAG node group. The UnConfigured Cluster Nodes dialog displays the nodes for addition to the node group. By default all the displayed notes are selected. In most cases, you should accept this selection. If you want to deselect any nodes, use Ctrl + click. The following describes fields in the UnConfigured Cluster Nodes dialog box.

    • Use Host Name If this radio button is selected, the resolvable host name will be extracted from the listing and added to the Resolvable Node Name or IP Address field in the Edit Node dialog. For example, in the listing DPX_EX2K16DAG, the hostname component DPX_EX2K16DAG will be used in the Edit Node field.

    • Use IP Address If this radio button is selected, the IP address will be extracted from the listing and added to the Resolvable Node Name or IP Address field in the Edit Node dialog.

    • Logical Node Name If the check box is selected (the default), the Logical Node Name in the Edit Node dialog will automatically be the same as the hostname. In this case, the Logical Node Name field is not editable. If you deselect the check box, you can enter your own node name in the Logical Node Name field in the Edit Node dialog. For example, you might want the descriptive name DAG_Node2. A logical node name is particularly useful for indicating the virtual node, (for example, DAG_VirtualNode).

Click OK to add all the selected nodes to the previously selected node group. If you want to add the displayed nodes manually another time, click Cancel. Note that the original node you added will remain in the node group.

The following example shows nodes in the node group named EXCH2010_DAG. The virtual node BH2_VIRTUAL NODE is selected, and its node information is displayed in the EDIT NODE pane on the right. DAGNODE1 and DAGNODE2 are physical nodes in the node group.

You can use the Add Node function at any time to add a DAG node to the Enterprise.

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