Source Considerations for Image Restore

Image restore restores data from an Image backup. You can perform a physical restore or a logical (file by file) restore.

To specify image data to restore, do one of the following:

  • To do a logical restore, drill down to the file level and select resources to restore, as you would for a File restore.

Note. For Image restores, if the status of a disk object is offline, you cannot browse the disk in the management console or select it as a restore destination.

  • To do a physical restore, select the entire volume.

Warning! A physical Image restore may overwrite the file system. To avoid doing so, consider replacing all the files in a volume by using a logical (file/directory level) restore. This would restore the entire volume without impacting the file system.

Related Topics:

Instance View vs. Merge View of the Source Pane

For Image restore, DPX allows you to select two different ways to view the source tree. They are called Instance View and Merge View. Instance View is the default.

In the Instance View, the source tree displays the following hierarchy:

+ Node
     + Disk or File System
          + Backup Instance
               + Directory
                    + File

You can select the instance, directory, or file level to restore. The detail level displays the VOLSER and the partition number of the backup instance.

In the Merge View, the source tree displays the following hierarchy:

+ Node
     + Disk or File System
          + Directory
               + File
                    Backup Instance

You can select the level to restore: disk or file system, directory, file, or backup instance. If you select a level other than backup instance, DPX will restore the selected level, starting with the most recent base backup and applying subsequent incremental or differential backups.

To toggle between Instance View and Merge View, do one of the following:

  • Right-click the Enterprise icon or name to display the context menu. From the context menu, select Merge View or Instance View. The menu shows the view you can toggle to.

  • From the menu bar, select Restore > Merge View or Instance View. The menu shows the view you can toggle to.

See Specifying Source Device Cluster for a Restore.

Last updated