Specifying Destinations for the Backup Job

The following elements constitute a backup destination:

  • the media pool (from which media volumes are drawn)

  • the storage device (or device cluster) to which data is backed up.

The source nodes, the media pool, and the storage device must be compatible. For example, a 4mm media pool cannot be used with a DLT device.

You can select different destinations for base backup, incremental backup, and differential backup.

When selecting destination devices, you can specify a device cluster. A device cluster is a collection of devices (i.e. tape drives) that have been grouped together logically by the system administrator or, in the case of a tape library, physically. A tape library is a special case of a device cluster.

Alternatively, you could select a specific device (i.e. tape drive) for the backup destination. For a SAN device, however, you select the device path rather than the device. The device path appears below the device in the destination tree structure. Specifying device path tells DPX which device server node to use to access the desired device.

Tip. It is usually best to specify backup destination by device cluster.

If you specify backup destination by device cluster, DPX automatically determines the device within the device cluster. In a SAN device cluster, DPX dynamically allocates the device path to use for optimal throughput. It achieves this by utilizing SAN Resource Sharing Option (SRS). In a SAN device cluster with both NDMP and non-NDMP device paths, DPX automatically chooses the correct device path.

You can select a different, but compatible, destination for each source node you select. Each source-destination pair created in backup job definition constitutes a distinct task within the backup job. Note that for Block or Agentless backup, only single destinations are supported.

Default Destinations

The following are considerations for default backup destinations:

  • You can and should set a default backup destination (media pool and device cluster) for a node group when you define that node group. The default destination must be compatible.

  • If you are backing up data from nodes in a single node group, you can accept the default destination if one exists when defining the backup job. When you run the backup, every node in that node group backs up to the default device cluster and default media pool.

  • If you have not set a default backup destination for a selected node group, you will need to select a compatible destination when defining the backup job.

  • If you do not want to accept the default destination, you can change it in the destination pane of the backup window to a different compatible destination when defining the backup job.

Understanding the Destination Tree

The destination pane of the File Backup, Image Backup, or NDMP Backup window contains three destination panels, stacked vertically. The three panels are for base backups, incremental backups, and differential backups.

There are two selection spaces in each of the three destination panels, for a total of six.

The selection spaces have the following names:

  • Base Media Pools

  • Base Device Clusters

  • Incremental Media Pools

  • Incremental Device Clusters

  • Differential Media Pools

  • Differential Device Clusters

A selection space initially shows only the name of the selection space. Once a selection is made, the selected media pool name or device cluster name appears in a column to the right of the corresponding selection space name.

To navigate in a destination space:

  • Click the + or - to the left of a resource to view or hide the level below it in the source tree structure.

    If a resource in the selection space is already selected at the time the selection space is expanded, the center of the selection box beside the selected resource will be solid red.

    When expanded, the media pool names or device cluster names appear in the left column, and the corresponding media pool types or device cluster types appear in the right column.

To view the default backup destination for a node:

  1. In the source pane, right-click node.

  2. From the context menu, select View Destination.

    In the destination pane, the currently selected resources appear in a column to the right of the selection space names. Initially, they are the default for the node.

Related Topics:

Selecting a Backup Destination

For each backup job, you must select compatible destinations. For backup jobs that span multiple nodes, you can select a different compatible destination for each source node you are backing up. Note that for Block or Agentless backup, only single destinations are supported.

To navigate in a selection space in the destination pane (right pane):

  • The top of the destination pane displays the source node (for example, Destination for: Division2) for which you are selecting a destination.

  • To view or hide the level below a resource in the destination tree structure, click the + or - to the left of the resource.

  • To select a destination resource, click the icon or name of the desired resource in the tree structure.

To select a backup destination:

  1. In the source pane, select the resources to back up. If you specified a default media pool and/or device or device cluster when you configured the node group, they become selected and are indicated in the destination (right) pane.

  2. If you want to change a destination from the default destination, or if you do not have default destinations, change the desired destination in the appropriate selection spaces in the right pane. To do so:

    1. Expand the destination resource tree within the selection space as needed.

      Note. In an expanded destination resource tree, the media type appears to the right of each listed media pool and the device type appears to the right of each listed device cluster or tape library.

    2. Unselect the existing selection in the resource tree by clicking the selection check box next to the resource(s).

    3. Click the selection check box next to the icon of the desired destination resource. Repeat this as needed for multiple node groups requiring incompatible destinations.

Tip. If your selection is invalid, an error message appears. A selection may be invalid if the media type is incompatible with the device type. To fix an invalid selection, you must unselect either the media or device or both, then select a valid combination of media and device.

See also. For more information about how to use the navigation trees in the Java-based DPX Management Interface, see the following document:

Related Topics:

Special Considerations for Backup Destination Selection

  • As you complete each destination selection for both Base Media Pools and Base Device Clusters, DPX checks that they are valid selections (for example, the media type and device type are compatible with the data being backed up). If they are valid selections, DPX automatically propagates those selections to Incremental Media Pools, Incremental Device Clusters, Differential Media Pools, and Differential Device Clusters. You must then manually change the incremental and differential destinations if you want them to differ from the base.

  • In a given backup job, all sources selected within a single node must go to the same destination. If you change your node destination after making the source selection, the latest destination you select is propagated to all the selected sources in node.

  • If you have multiple nodes in your source selection, you can select multiple destinations by selecting one source node or its descendants and immediately selecting the destinations for that node; then selecting the next source node or its descendants and immediately selecting destinations for that node; and so forth. (Note that for Block or Agentless backup, only single destinations are supported.)

  • If you have multiple nodes in your source selection, you can change a node destination without having to redefine all of your source selections. To do this, right-click node in the source pane and select View Destination from the context menu. This displays the destination for that node in the destination pane. The node name is indicated at the top right of the destination pane (for example, Destination for: Division2). Select a new destination for the node. (Note that for Block or Agentless backup, only single destinations are supported.)

Backup to DiskDirectory

Backup to DiskDirectory is currently supported for most operating systems. A DiskDirectory is a local directory that acts as a virtual tape device.

Warning! Backing up to a local disk does not protect your data in the event that the disk fails.

The following requirements apply to DiskDirectory configuration:

  • The Device Type of the device cluster must be DISKDIRECTORY.

  • The Media Type of the media pool must be DISKDIRECTORY.

  • The Device ID must be a complete path to the directory that is your desired backup destination.

Related Topics:

The following rules apply to Backup to DiskDirectory operation:

  • You define and run the backup and restore jobs in the usual fashion.

  • Disk devices (directories) should not themselves be backed up; you should manually exclude them from all backup definitions.

Appending to DISKDIRECTORY volsers is not currently supported.

  • If a volser in a DISKDIRECTORY pool is expired (status is empty), it is eligible to be reused for a later backup. For this case, the file will be overwritten with the new backup data. When reusing an empty volser for DiskDirectory, the Backup Destination Option Unlabeled Tape Usage does not have to be set to Allow Unlabeled Tapes and Label Them. (On the first pass you do need to have Allow Unlabeled Tapes and Label Them set.)

Related Topics:

Backup to a NetApp AltaVault (formerly SteelStore) storage appliance requires that the appliance be configured as a DiskDirectory device. Backup to NetApp AltaVault is supported for file-level backup, NDMP backup, and DPX Archive.

Related Topics:

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