Restoring System Table

The System Table is a collection of Windows components that can be backed up and restored collectively or individually:

  • Event Logs

  • Removable Storage Manager

  • User Profiles

  • Terminal Server

  • Windows Management Instrumentation Repository

You restore these components collectively using the ordinary restore job definition procedures: clicking the System Table disk in the Restore source tree structure.

To restore individual System Table components, right-click System Table disk object on the source tree, then select Enable Browse. This allows you to select individual components for restore.

After a System Table restore, you should reboot your system.

System Table is a DPX concept, unlike System State, which is a Windows concept.

Restoring a Specific Instance of System Table

To restore the System Table from a specific backup set, you must set the browse period to encompass only the time that you performed that specific backup. For example, assume you performed a base backup of the System Table on January 1 and then performed an incremental backup of the System Table on January 2. When you browse the System Table on the Restore window using the default options of Last Base Backup to Latest Backup for the browse period, the System Table that is displayed will be from January 2. You will not be able to see the System Table from January 1, even though this instance is within the browse period. If you want to recover the January 1 instance, you must set the browse period to include only January 1.

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