Purpose and Scope

The Node-Based Logging model was developed to facilitate and enhance troubleshooting. With this model, log messages are unified, centralized, and easily managed.

As jobs execute, log messages (also called log records or simply logs) are streamed to a specific, identifiable log file on each related node. One to three log files are created and retained on each node each day, unless the node is “quiet” for the day, in which case no log file is created.

A user can look at a log file by using any file editor, either command line or script oriented, that opens ordinary text files.

Note. To enable the Node-Based Logging model, you must turn on the Boolean environmental variable SSCOMMONLOG on each node. (The Module-Based logs are generated regardless of this setting.) For more information about setting variables, see Setting Environmental Variables for Logging Model and BEXCollect.

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