Backing Up and Restoring SharePoint Portal Server 2001

On the File Backup window and the File Restore window, DPX displays SharePoint Portal Server 2001 disks as a gold disk labeled SHAREPOINT.

Note. Beneath the SHAREPOINT disk, the management console displays a storage group, also labeled SHAREPOINT. Physically, the SHAREPOINT disk and the SHAREPOINT:\SHAREPOINT storage group are the same.

DPX automatically detects if a Windows node is running SharePoint Portal Server. You should schedule SharePoint Portal Server backups for non-peak hours to avoid any negative impact they may have on performance.

For SharePoint Portal Server 2001, you can only perform a base backup of the entire server. SharePoint Portal Server 2001 does not support partial backup or incremental and differential backup. To back up a SharePoint Portal Server, select the SHAREPOINT disk from the source tree on the File Backup window. The entire server including the underlying components gets backed up. Note that selecting SHAREPOINT:\SHAREPOINT storage group produces the same result.

To restore a SharePoint Portal Server, select the instance of the server from the source tree on the File Restore window.

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