Job Destination Options for Tape Restore

The Set Job Destination Options dialog allows you to set options related to restore destinations. The options displayed depend on the restore mode.

An explanation of each field in the dialog and the available choices follows:

  • Existing File Handling

    Tells DPX how to behave if it finds a file at the destination with the same name as the file that it is restoring.

    Skip Existing Files and Directories

    Does not write over the existing file or directory if it has the same name as the one being restored.

    Replace Existing Files

    Restores the file to a temporary file, ensures that the restore is successful, and then writes over the existing file with the like-named file being restored.

    Replace Existing Files and Directories

    For existing directories, restores directory characteristics only, such as date, time, and owner. For existing files, restores file to a temporary file, ensures that the restore is successful, then writes over the existing file with the like-named file being restored.

    Delete Existing Files Before Restore

    Deletes the existing file before restoring the like-named file. Use this option when disk space limitations prohibit using Replace Files.

    Rename Restored Files

    Renames the file being restored to a name derived from the existing file. On NTFS and UNIX, DPX appends .R01 to the filename. If filename.R01 exists, DPX uses .R02 and so on. On FAT, a file extension of R01 is used. For example, file ABCD.TXT is restored as ABCD.R01. If ABCD.R01 exists, ABCD.R02 is used, and so on.

  • Missing Directories

    Controls how DPX behaves if it tries to restore a file to a directory and discovers that the directory does not exist.

    Use Full Privileges

    Uses the file privileges the file possessed when it was originally backed up.

    Use Parent Privileges

    Applies the file privileges of the parent directory into which the files are being restored.

    Use Root Privileges

    Applies the file privileges of the root directory into which the files are being restored.

  • Destination Path

    Destination Path determines whether DPX retains the original tree structure when you restore to a new location.

    Absolute Path

    Retains the original tree structure. For example, if on a Windows machine you backed up C:\NewPrjs\Dev\Bin, and restore to C:\NewPrjs\Test, the absolute destination path is C:\NewPrjs\Test\NewPrjs\Dev\Bin.

    Relative Path

    Removes the parent directories and puts the file in the new restore directory. For example, if on a Windows machine you backed up C:\NewPrjs\Dev\Bin, and restore to C:\NewPrjs\Test, the relative destination path is C:\NewPrjs\Test\Bin.

  • Skip Incomplete Files

    If a file is partially restored, this option specifies whether or not to keep that file.


    Keep the partially restored file.


    Delete the partially restored file.

The next four fields apply to restoring Exchange.

  • Restart Exchange Service

    Controls whether the Exchange Service is restarted when the Restore is complete.


    Restart the Exchange Service after the restore.


    The Exchange Service is not interrupted by DPX.

  • Exchange Point-in-Time Recovery

    Controls whether Restore will delete Exchange logs to restore Exchange to a point-in-time.


    DPX will delete existing transaction logs before restore and then perform a point-in-time restore, which brings the database back to the state when it was backed up. This option is commonly used when you are restoring a backup instance that is not the latest. This option is strongly recommended whenever a restore is needed to nullify an incorrect or maliciously altered transaction.


    This is the default. DPX will not delete existing transaction logs before restore. DPX performs an up-to-the-minute restore by retaining the existing transaction logs and rolling forward all new transaction from the existing logs. This option is commonly used when you lose a database without losing its transaction logs and you choose to restore from the latest backup instance.

  • Exchange Handling

    Determines how Exchange databases are handled after restore completes.

    Commit Restore and Mount Database

    This is the default. After the restore completes, commit the changes (transaction logs) to the database and mount the Exchange database. The Exchange administrator does not have to manually intervene before the database is available for clients.

    Commit Restore Only

    After the restore completes, commit the changes (transaction logs) to the database but do not mount the Exchange database. The Exchange administrator will need to manually mount the database to make it available to clients.

    Do Not Commit Restore

    After the restore completes, neither commit the changes to the database nor mount the exchange database. The Exchange administrator will need to either commit or rollback the changes (transaction logs) and mount the database for use.

This next five fields only apply to SQL Server.

Note. DPX does not support restoring the master and model databases to a new location because it is nor supported by SQL Server.

  • MSSQL With Replace

    When restoring a SQL Server database that exists, SQL Server performs tests to ensure that it is the appropriate place to restore the data. These tests are not always accurate and sometimes cause a restore to fail.


    Performs tests before overwriting an existing database.


    Overwrites an existing database without tests.

  • MSSQL New Location

    Enter the name of a new location where you want to restore a SQL Server database.

  • MSSQL New Location Logs

    Enter a directory path to restore the transaction logs to a different location than that specified in the MSSQL New Location field. If you do not specify a directory, the transaction logs will be restored to the same location as the database.

  • MSSQL Stanby


    Do not restore a SQL Server database to a standby server. The default is No.


    Restore a SQL Server database to a standby server.

  • MSSQL Standby Undo Directory

    SQL Server creates an undo directory when a database is restored to a standby server. If you do not specify a directory, undo files will be created in the in the product-directory/logs directory.

  • Mount Point Handling

    This field determines how DPX restores data backed up through a Windows 2000 volume mount point. It specifies both where DPX restores data and whether volume mount points are reassigned. To back up data through a volume mount point, you must set the Back Up Content of Mounted Drive field to Yes in the Set Job Source Options (see the source option Back Up Content of Mounted Drive for more details). Then, for example, if C:\mnt\driveD was a volume mount point to D:, you would have selected C:\mnt\driveD for backup rather than D:.

    Restore Data (no Mount Point)

    DPX does not restore a volume mount point. If a directory that was a volume mount point at backup is a volume mount point at restore, data is restored to whatever volume (drive) it now mounts. Otherwise, data is restored not to another volume, but to the directory that was a volume mount point at backup.

    Restore Data and Mount Point; Skip Existing Mount Point

    DPX reestablishes a volume mount point and restores data to the volume it mounts. However, if a directory that was a volume mount point at backup mounts a different volume at restore, the mount point is NOT reestablished. Data is restored to the volume it now mounts.

    Restore Data and Mount Point; Replace Existing Mount Point

    DPX reestablishes a volume mount point and restores data to the volume it mounts. If a directory that was a volume mount point at backup mounts a different volume at restore, the original mount point is reestablished. Data is restored to the original volume. For a reconstructive restore, this option is always used.

    Note. If a directory that was a volume mount point at backup is a normal directory containing local files at restore, the volume mount point cannot be restored. In this situation, data is restored not to another volume, but to the directory that was a volume mount point at backup.

    Note. When performing a Reconstructive Restore, DPX automatically uses Restore Data and Mount Point; Replace Existing Mount Point no matter what setting you choose.

    The following table contains an example that illustrates the effect of this field, under various circumstances. Where C:\mnt\driveD is a Volume Mount Point to D:\ during backup. Data is backed up by selecting C:\mnt\driveD while the Back Up Content of Mounted Drive field is set to Yes on the Set Job Source Options dialog box.

    Option 1 Restore Data (no Mount Point)

    Option 2 Restore Data and Mount Point; Skip Existing Mount Point

    Option 3 Restore Data and Mount Point; Replace Existing Mount Point

    At Restore, C:\mnt\driveD is still a volume mount point to the same volume D:

    Data is restored to D:.

    Same as Option 1

    Same as Option 1

    At Restore, C:\mnt\driveD is an empty directory that is not a volume mount point to anywhere

    Data is not restored to D:. Data is restored to C:\mnt\driveD, which no longer is a volume mount point to D:, but now contains the data that was on D:.

    Data is restored to D:. C:\mnt\driveD is reestablished as a volume mount point to D:.

    Same as Option 2

    At Restore, C:\mnt\driveD is not a volume mount point to anywhere, but is a normal directory containing local files

    Data is not restored to D:. Data is restored to C:\mnt\driveD, which no longer is a volume mount point to D:, but now contains the data that was on D:.

    Same as Option 1

    Same as Option 1

    At Restore, C:\mnt\driveD does not exist

    Data is not restored to D:. C:\mnt\driveD is created. Data is restored directly to C:\mnt\driveD.

    Data is restored to D:. C:\mnt\driveD is created and established as a volume mount point to D:.

    Same as Option 2

    At Restore, C:\mnt\driveD is a volume mount point to E:, a different volume

    Data is restored to E:, the new volume mount point. C:\mnt\driveD remains a volume mount point to E:.

    Same as Option 1

    Data is restored to the original volume D:. C:\mnt\driveD is reestablished as a volume mount point to D:.

    Note. DPX keeps track of both volumes and drive letters, so if drive letters change, data is still restored to the correct volume.

  • Restore Disk Quota

    Using disk quotas, administrators can limit the amount of data each user can store on a Windows 2000 NTFS or NSS volume. This field determines whether to restore disk quotas.


    Disk quota settings are not restored.


    Disk quota settings are restored.

    Note. It is not necessary to back up an entire volume to back up disk quota settings. Any backup from a supported volume automatically backs up this information. Restoring disk quota settings does not require restoring an entire volume.

    If you restore to a new location, disk quota settings are only restored if the new location is the root directory of another like volume and Destination Path is set to Absolute Path.

  • SYSVOL Handling

    If the Enterprise has more than one domain controller, you can choose whether to replicate SYSVOL files and folders to the other controllers as part of the Windows 2000+ System State restore.

    Authoritative Restore

    Restores SYSVOL files and folders in a primary manner and forces that data to be replicated to the other primary domain controllers.

    Non-Authoritative Restore

    Restores SYSVOL files and folders locally and allows that data to get updated via the normal replication process. Non-Authoritative Restore is the default.

    Warning! When there are replication partners, selecting Authoritative Restore can result in unexpected behavior. To perform an authoritative restore on the Active Directory, you must run the Microsoft Ntdsutil utility after you have restored the System State data but before you restart the domain controller. For more information about the Ntdsutil utility and authoritative restore, refer to your Microsoft documentation.

  • Cluster Handling

    If your Enterprise contains clusters, you can choose whether to restore the cluster quorums as part of the Windows 2000+ System State restore.

    Do Not Restore Cluster Quorum

    DPX does not restore the cluster quorum. Do Not Restore Cluster Quorum is the default.

    Restore Cluster Quorum

    DPX restores the cluster quorum. However, if other cluster nodes are active or if the cluster quorum has changed since backup, the cluster quorum restore may terminate.

    Restore Cluster Quorum (Force the Recovery)

    DPX restores the cluster quorum even if other cluster nodes are active or if the cluster quorum has changed since backup. Any changes made to the cluster quorum after the backup will be lost.

  • Restore Security

    Determines whether DPX restores security information associated with each file or folder.


    Restores security information. Yes is the default.


    Security information in the restore destination directories does not get overwritten as the result of a restore job.

    The Restore Security option applies to the following items:

    • Windows NTFS - Security in Properties

    • UNIX and Linux - Access Control List (ACL)

    • NetWare, OES NetWare, or OES Linux using NSS file system- Trustee

  • Point-in-Time

    Fill in the Point-in-Time Restore field if you are recovering to a point-in-time other than the present.

    Enter the date and time (to the second) of the desired point-in-time recovery in the following format:

      mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss

    The hour is based on a 24-hour clock. For example, for 11:00 p.m. on March 1, 2013, enter:

      03/01/2013 23:00:00

    Note. If you are recovering to the present time, be sure the Point-in-Time Restore field is empty.

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