Deploying Catalogic vStor Virtual Appliance on VMware Environment

Deploy the Catalogic vStor virtual appliance on the VMware virtualized environment by taking the following steps:

  1. Prepare the OVA file of Catalogic vStor Server that you can download from the Catalogic MySupport page.

  2. Use the vSphere Client to deploy the vStor server. From the File menu, choose Deploy OVF Template. If using the vSphere Web Client, click Create/Register VM, then select Deploy a virtual machine from an OFV or OVA file. Click Next.

  3. Specify the location of the vStor OVA template file and select it. Click Next.

  4. Review the template details and accept the End User License Agreement. Click Next.

  5. Provide a meaningful name for the template, which becomes the name of your virtual machine. Identify an appropriate location to deploy the virtual machine. Click Next.

  6. Identify the datacenter, server, and resource pool for deployment. When prompted to select storage, select from datastores already configured on the destination host. The virtual machine configuration file and virtual disk files are stored on the datastore. Select a datastore large enough to accommodate the virtual machine and all of its virtual disk files. Click Next.

  7. Select a disk format to store the virtual disks. It is recommended that you select thick provisioning, which is preselected for optimized performance. Thin provisioning requires less disk space, but may impact performance. Click Next.

  8. Select networks for the deployed template to use. Several available networks on the VMware ESX server may be available by clicking Destination Networks. Select a destination network that allows you to define the appropriate IP address allocation for the virtual machine deployment. Click Next.

  9. Enter network properties for the virtual machine's default gateway, DNS, IPv4 address, and network prefix. Or, you can use DHCP instead of entering static IPv4 addresses. The default gateway must be configured properly before deployment. Multiple DNS strings are supported and must be separated by commas without the use of spaces. The network prefix should be specified by a network administrator. The network prefix must be entered using CIDR notation; valid values are between 1 and 32. Click Next.

See also. You can configure the network settings of Catalogic vStor after the deployment. Follow the instructions in Configuring Network Settings of Catalogic vStor in the User’s Guide.

  1. Review your template selections. Click Finish to exit the wizard and to start deployment of the OVF template.

  2. After OVF template deployment completes, power on the VM for Catalogic vStor by using VMware vSphere Client.

Tip. If you chose DHCP in the network properties page, you can see the IPv4 address in the Summary page of the VM.

  1. In your web browser, open the HTML5-based vStor Management Interface:

    https://<vStor hostname or IP>:8900

  2. Create a vStor user with administrator privileges by using the vStor user create command. Refer to Chapter 4: Catalogic vStor for details.

    In the login page, enter the default username admin and default password admin. You are prompted to change the password.

  3. In your web browser, switch to the VMware vSphere Client page, and open the monitor of the Catalogic vStor VM. Or use an SSH client and connect to the IPv4 address of Catalogic vStor.

    Log in to the shell session by using the same username admin and the password that you entered in the HTML5-based vStor Management Interface.

After deploying Catalogic vStor, add this node to your Catalogic DPX, initialize your Catalogic vStor as well as the storage pool, volume, and share, so that you can use the Catalogic vStor as a backup target.

See also. To add the Catalogic vStor node to Catalogic DPX, follow the instructions in Chapter 4: Catalogic vStor.

To initialize your vStor and administer a storage pool, volume, and share, see "vStor Server Command Line Interface Reference".

Or, if you are using the Java-based DPX Management Interface, add the vStor Server as a physical node in your DPX Enterprise using the user account created in the previous step. Select Node Type STORAGE_CTL on the Add a Node dialog in the DPX Management Interface. See Adding a Node in the Reference Guide. The vStor server appears as a node in your DPX Enterprise.

Last updated