Chapter 7: Catalogic DPX Software Update System

You can update Catalogic DPX by using the DPX Software Update System. With a few clicks, administrators can easily retrieve software updates and install them throughout their Enterprise. All node types that contain Catalogic DPX software and all operating systems are supported.

The Catalogic DPX Software Update System consists of the user interface, programs for the master server node, and the DPX Software Update Packages.

Note. Alternatively, you can get Catalogic DPX Software Update Packages from Catalogic MySupport and manually install the packages on Catalogic DPX.

The following is an overview of the processes that the DPX Software Update System carries out:

  1. Launch the Catalogic DPX Software Update System user interface

  2. Scan nodes

    1. Node identification and contact

    2. Catalogic DPX Software Update System web service validation

    3. Retrieve version information from each node

    4. Find the Catalogic DPX Software Update packages

    5. Report node communication errors if needed

Note. You can run a scan at any time outside of the Catalogic DPX Software Update System to check the patch level of all nodes in the Enterprise. See Getting Node Information.

  1. Deploy node updates

    1. Download Software Update package download

    2. Deploy the software update packages on the remote nodes

    3. Install the software update packages

    4. Restart nodes

Examples in this chapter describe a typical scenario with Catalogic DPX Software Update System and Microsoft Windows. You can use this utility with UNIX and Linux in a similar way.

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