Enabling Catalogic DPX Block Data Protection for Oracle Databases

Take the following steps to enable the Catalogic DPX Block Data Protection to run with Oracle nodes:

  1. Install and configure the client on each Oracle node. Follow the instructions provided in Chapter 5: Local Installation in the Reference Guide.

Note. If you already have 32-bit DPX installed on a 64-bit Oracle node and you want to take advantage of x64 support for Oracle, you must uninstall DPX, then reinstall DPX with Windows x64 support. Licensed customers can access DPX with Windows x64 support from the MySupport website.

  1. Ensure the most current software updates are applied.

  2. On each Oracle node, after the client is installed or upgraded, run OracleConfig from the Catalogic DPX command prompt.

    Before running OracleConfig, note the following requirements:

    • TNS Listener process must be running to execute OracleConfig.

    • On UNIX nodes, the environment variable DISPLAY must be properly set.

    To run OracleConfig:

    • From Windows, open the Catalogic DPX command prompt by selecting Start > Programs > DPX > DPX Command Prompt. Then type the command OracleConfig.

    • From UNIX or Linux, navigate to the DPX_bin_ directory. Then type the command ./OracleConfig.

    OracleConfig locates the path of a JDBC driver, which is required for communication with Oracle for backup and restore operations. If a JDBC driver is not found, an Open File dialog appears. Select a JDBC driver and click OK.

  3. A dialog box opens. The left pane lists Oracle databases on the node. The right pane requests the database service name, the “SYS” password, and the TNS port. Information about the recovery Catalog database is also requested for RMAN cataloging. If the net service name is not provided, RMAN cataloging will not be done. If the recover Catalog must be used, its “net service name” should be provided.

    • For each Oracle database in the left pane, do the following:

      1. Enter the requested information in the right pane.

      2. Optionally, enter the Recovery Catalog Database information. If this information is entered, it is used during RMAN cataloging.

      3. Click Test to test the connection.

      4. Click Save.

    • Click OK. This configures your Oracle servers for Catalogic DPX and closes the command prompt.

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