The Catalogic DPX Proxy Server Virtual Appliance for VMware

Beginning from Version 4.8.1, you can deploy the Catalogic DPX Proxy Server for VMware as a virtual appliance, instead of installing the proxy server application on some client nodes in the VMware environment. Like other virtual appliances of the Catalogic DPX Master Server or the Catalogic vStor, you can download the OVA file from the Catalogic MySupport website, deploy this virtual appliance image in the VMware vSphere Client, and add this virtual appliance as a proxy node to the Enterprise.

The Catalogic DPX Proxy Server virtual appliance includes the HTML5-based interface unlike the application edition. You can operate and monitor the proxy server from your web browser. And you can access the Linux shell in the web browser window instead of using an SSH client.

Note. Catalogic DPX does not support proxy servers for Microsoft Hyper-V.

Last updated