Chapter 13: Bare Metal Recovery

Bare Metal Recovery in Catalogic DPX is a disk-based disaster recovery solution that enables administrators to restore an entire system environment for an individual computer. Using this feature, a full recovery includes the operating system, point-in-time backed up data, and Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle Database applications if applicable. You can use Bare Metal Recovery for disaster recovery and replicating the environment, applications, node data, and so on.

To take advantage of Bare Metal Recovery, use Block Backup for your nodes. Then, if the need to perform a Bare Metal Recovery operation arises, boot up a “bare machine” by using the disc or ISO image file provided with Catalogic DPX, provide minimal information about the backup job and the storage system, and select the backup instance to recover.

See also. For detailed information about Bare Metal Recovery of Catalogic DPX, see the following documents:

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