Restore Scenario 1: Disaster Recovery – All GroupWise Information Lost

If all GroupWise information is lost from an NDS tree, the GroupWise information must first be restored to its original location.

  1. Select the GroupWise resource in the Sources pane in the Restore window.

  2. Select the new location for the restore in the Destination pane.

  3. Run the Restore.

Note. If possible, restore the data to a location with the same server name and directory as the original location.

  1. Use the GroupWise installation CD to extend the NDS schema if NDS was rebuilt from scratch.

  2. Run the agent installation program from the software distribution directory of any new server to:

    • Set up the GRPWISE.NCF file

    • Create startup files for the various GroupWise agents.

  3. Graft the GroupWise resources into NDS. For more information on grafting, see the GroupWise documentation available at

  4. If services are on servers with different names than their original, do the following:

    1. Connect to the primary domain.

    2. Make the appropriate changes.

    3. Rebuild other domain and post office address books to distribute the new locations and changes.

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