Introduction to GroupWise Backup

Although standard file-level backups can back up GroupWise files, this method is not recommended. For such backups, from the normal directory view you would select the domain and post office directory.

Then you would define the backup as for any other file-level backup. However, standard file-level backups use the general TSA, are not GroupWise aware, and back up more data than is required. GroupWise support, on the other hand, uses the GroupWise TSA, is GroupWise aware, and backs up only the data necessary for GroupWise recoveries of accounts, users, and data.

The following sections explain how to implement GroupWise backups in Linux OES environments. The key is to ensure that TSAFSGW is running on the client node, where the source data resides. This is accomplished in two steps:

  • Step 1: Load TSAFS with GroupWise functionality on Linux OES.

  • Step 2: Load TSAFSGW on Linux OES. (This step does not apply to GroupWise 2012 or 2014.)

The backup scenario described below assume the following environment:

Node: oes-linux-test (this node is added to DefaultGroup) Root password: sysadmin edirectory tree: Tree password: sysadmin GroupWise Domain Directory: oes-linux-test:/groupwise_message/ GroupWise Post Office Directory: oes-linux-test:/Post_Office/

Note. The procedures below are based on Micro Focus documentation. Since procedures may change, it is recommended to check for current procedures at

Note. The scenarios are for standalone nodes. GroupWise backups and restores do not support clusters.

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