4. Add the tape drives to the Enterprise

  1. Launch the management console.

  2. Open the Configure Devices window by selecting the Configure tab at the top of the window, then selecting Devices from the task pane.

  3. Choose Allow to Update Unique ID from the Option menu. An asterisk indicates the option is enabled.

  4. Select the newly added tape library, then click Add Device

  5. For the first drive bay listed in the third section of detect -h output, complete the active fields in the Add Device dialog, using the values on the above worksheet.

    Device Name

    Enter the Device Name from the last column of the worksheet above; for example DPX00.

    Device Number

    Enter the Device Number from the worksheet above. The device number corresponds to the numeric portion of the tape drive name in the detect -h output. The first device number is usually 0.

    Unique ID

    Enter the Unique ID from the worksheet above. It is recommended that you copy and paste the entire Unique ID from the output of detect -h. Do not remove extra spaces, and do not include the enclosing pipe characters. Note that this field is not enabled if the Allow to Update Unique ID option in the Option toolbar menu is not selected. An asterisk indicates the option is selected. If Allow to Update Unique ID is not selected, select it, then enter the unique ID in this field.


    Enter an optional comment up to 48 characters.

  6. Click Add.

  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6, adding a device name entry with associated device number and unique ID, for each drive in the order that the drives appear in the third section of detect -h output.

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