Online Autoupdate Method

If the Catalogic DPX Master Server has access to the Internet, you can update it by taking the following steps for the autoupdate:

  1. Launch the Java-based DPX Management Interface from a web browser.

See also. Do not launch the Java-based DPX Management Interface directly without using a web browser. Follow the instructions in the following document:

  1. In the menu bar, click Help > Autoupdate to open the Autoupdate dialog.

  2. In the Autoupdate dialog, select either one of the options:

    These check-update alternatives are referred to herein as the autoupdate option and the local update option. For the most part, procedures are identical for both; differences are indicated.

    • Check for updates using already downloaded patches

      Use this option if the Catalogic DPX Master Server has limited access to the Internet, and you want to manually download and copy the update package files in the repository directory (offline autoupdate). See the instructions later in this section.

    • Check the online service for updates (default)

      Use this option if the Catalogic DPX Master Server has access to the Internet, and you want to install the latest update packages on the system with fewer steps (online autoupdate).

      If you select this option, enter the Catalogic Software Online User ID and Password in the Authentication section.

      If you enter an invalid User ID or Password, you get an information message dialog saying MySupport Authentication failed in the next step.

      There is a known issue in DPX 4.8 that the password field does nothing (DPXN-5104).

      Attention! Always use your own customer service account of Catalogic Software. Do not reuse other's credential of your distributors, resellers, and so on. Credentials, which may be cached, need to be consistent for future software updates.

    Additionally, you can configure the advanced options for automatic update checking with notification emails every week, after checking Disabled. Click to Enable:

    Advanced ► Automatic Update Check with Notification ► Administrator E-Mail Address

    Enter an email address for the recipient who receives the update notification message.

    Advanced ► Automatic Update Check with Notification ► SMTP Host Name

    The host name of the SMTP server for the email notification.

    Advanced ► Automatic Update Check with Notification ► SMTP Port

    The port number of the SMTP server for the email notification. A typical port for SMTP servers is 25.

    Advanced ► Automatic Update Check with Notification ► Day of the Week

    Select a day of the week to receive the weekly notification email: Sunday, Monday, and so on.

    Advanced ► Automatic Update Check with Notification ► Hour of the Day

    Specify the time of the day, based on the system clock of the Catalogic DPX Master Server.

    Tip. The time zone (TZ) depends on the system clock of the Catalogic DPX Master Server. Typically, you can check the system time zone by using the timedatectl command for the Linux shell or the Get-TimeZone command for Microsoft PowerShell and Microsoft Windows PowerShell.

    Advanced ► Automatic Update Check with Notification ► Software Site URL

    Enter a valid URL for updating the Catalogic DPX Master Server. Use the following default string unless otherwise instructed by the Catalogic Software specialists:

    Click OK. You can see the progress bar and number of available update packages.

    As the node scanning process continues through the following steps, progress is indicated with a message at the bottom of the Authentication dialog. Any nodes in the Enterprise that the software update system fails to successfully check because of connectivity issues are reported. This step could take a while as it performs a sequential scan of the backup Enterprise.

  3. The Catalogic DPX Master Server automatically tests if it can update itself and all nodes in its Enterprises. If the test succeeds, you will see the Update dialog.

    Tip. When the update test fails, you see the Node Scanning Failure dialog with a list of all nodes or the Catalogic DPX Master Server that cannot be updated. In the dialog, see a test result for each failed items. Click Quit to cancel the update, and fix these issues.

  4. In the Update dialog, you can see a list of all available software update packages and a list of applicable nodes, including the Catalogic DPX Master Server, with check boxes. By default, all nodes are selected to update. You can clear any check boxes to skip updating the systems. Click Update Now and follow the instructions in the dialog.

    The top pane lists those software update packages found for the Enterprise. The name of the update is listed as well as the level of the update. The bottom pane lists nodes that are updated with the various software update packages selected in the top pane.

    Initially, all packages and nodes are selected for update, indicated by check marks. Select All Updates and Select All Nodes are also initially selected. For initial deployment, accept these defaults.

    Note the reboot settings in the Reboot column on the right side of the bottom pane. When reboot is set to Yes, the node automatically reboots after all updates are applied. If you do not want automatic node reboot, select No, but ensure you manually reboot the node before you attempt a backup.

    Click the Update Now button at the bottom of the dialog box. You may receive several informational messages.

    Click Continue or OK. The next window displays the progress of the software package updates. On the node selected for update, the software update package is placed in the \updates\packages directory in the installation directory. Clicking Abort, at the left of the progress bar, cancels installations that have not yet been performed but does not roll back those installations that have already occurred.

  5. After the Abort button changes to the Done button, click it.

    Note. While updating the selected nodes, do not click Abort to stop updating the selected nodes unless otherwise absolutely necessary or instructed by the Catalogic specialists.

    Follow the instructions in the dialog. You will be prompted to reboot some nodes, including the Catalogic DPX Master Server.

    Tip. The autoupdate applies to the Catalogic DPX Master Server and all other nodes in its Enterprises. The update and system restart operations for the Catalogic DPX Master Server take place at the end, after updating all other nodes.

Last updated