Searching for Files to Restore

For File, NDMP, Image, or Block restore, use the Search Files to Restore facility to find files to restore. The Search Files to Restore facility has numerous qualifying criteria that you can use to pinpoint your search. This facility is useful when there are numerous files on a disk or if you cannot remember the location of the data to restore.

Note. The Search Files to Restore capability is not supported in nodes running Windows Server 2012 with ReFS enabled. See Microsoft ReFS Support in the User’s Guide.

To search for files:

  1. Open the Search for Files to Restore dialog box by doing one of the following:

    • Right-click a disk or directory to display the context menu, then select Restore Search.

    • Select the one disk or directory containing the file(s) you want to restore using the Search for Files to Restore facility.

      After making your selection, click Search Files to Restore on the task panel.

    The Search Files to Restore dialog box appears.

    This dialog box can be resized vertically and horizontally to display more of the search results without scrolling.

  2. To perform a basic search, enter the name of the file(s) you want to find and click Search. You may use standard wildcard characters (? *). If the multiple versions of the file(s) have been backed up, DPX displays the latest version. You can also use patterns defined by Regular Expressions.

    A list of files that match your search criteria will appear in the Search Results field. To sort the search results by the information contained in any of the search result columns (e.g. Backup Date, Size, etc.) click on the column name. You can also resize the width of the individual columns.

    Tip. To save this list click Save at the bottom of the dialog. The file is saved as searchResults.csv in your computer’s %temp% folder.

  3. To perform a more comprehensive search with additional parameters, expand the Search for Files to Restore dialog box.

    The expanded Search Files to Restore dialog box gives you the following additional parameters. You can use some or all of these parameters in your search.

    • Node

      Displays the node on which the search will take place, depending on your selection in Step 1.

    • Disk

      Displays the disk that will be searched, depending on your selection in Step 1.

    • Starting Directory

      Enter the directory in which you want to start the search. If you clicked on a directory on the tree in Step 1, it will be displayed. The root directory is the default.

    • Files Dated From

      A pull-down menu with the following options:

    • Oldest Date

      Displays files dating back to the oldest backup on record in the Catalog.

    • Display Calendar

      Allows you to select a specific date. When you choose Display Calendar, a small calendar appears. Use the month and year pull-down menus to select a specific month. To select a date, click it and click OK.

    • Files Dated To

      A pull-down menu with the following options:

      • Latest Date

        Displays files dating up to the latest backup on record in the Catalog.

      • Display Calendar

        Allows you to select a specific date. When you choose Display Calendar, a small calendar appears. Use the month and year pull-down menus to select a specific month. To select a date, click it and click OK.

    • File Size

      A pull-down list with following options:

      • At Most

        Specifies the maximum file size for that file during the search.

      • At Least

        Specifies the minimum file size for that file during the search.

      Enter the number of kilobytes or megabytes for the file size criteria.

    • Search Options: Include Subdirectories

      Selecting Include Subdirectories causes the Search Files to Restore function to drill down to all subdirectories under the starting directory.

    • Search Options: Case Sensitive

      Selecting Case Sensitive differentiates between upper and lower case characters used in file names.

    • Search Options: All Entries

      Selecting All Entries displays all backed up instances of the searched file, as opposed to showing only the latest backup instance. If All Entries is selected, you should not use a wildcard (*) in the search string. This option is enabled for NDMP Restore and Block restore (Instance View mode).

  4. When you are done setting parameters and options, click Search.

    Collapse the Search Files to Restore dialog box to recover its simple search state.

  5. Once the results of your search are displayed, select the files you want to restore by clicking anywhere in the target file’s row. You can select more than one file by holding down the [Ctrl] key. After making your selections, click OK. The files you selected will be displayed in the restore source tree under the disk or directory you searched in.

Last updated