Upgrading Catalogic vStor 4.7.1 or Earlier to Version 4.8.0

You can update Catalogic vStor to Version 4.8.1 only from Version 4.8.0. If you are using Catalogic vStor 4.7.1 or even earlier, you need to update it to Version 4.8.0 first.

The Catalogic vStor Servers can be updated in online mode by using the provided script file or in offline mode by using the script file with the provided ISO file. You can download the script file and ISO file from Catalogic Software MySupport. Follow these steps to upgrade a standalone vStor server to the latest release version.

  1. Let any running jobs complete and pause any upcoming scheduled jobs.

  2. Make a copy of the two following directories to another machine or external media. If the DPX client has been installed on the vStor server, a File level or Block level backup would be feasible

  3. Download the latest update_vstor_<x.x.x>.sh and vstor_with_os_full_<x.x.x>.iso file from the MySupport site where <x.x.x> represents the most up-to-date version.

  4. Log in to the vStor server that is to be upgraded using SSH. The default credentials are admin for the username and admin for the default password.

  5. Create the upload location on the vStor server. This location is the expected location of the script and ISO.

    $ sudo mkdir /catalogic/upload

    Go to this directory:

    $ cd /catalogic/upload/
  6. Copy the downloaded script file and ISO file to this directory, typically, by using an SCP client tool. Ensure that you are in the upload directory, and you can see the ISO file:

    $ pwd
    $ ls
  7. Modify the file permissions of the script file where <x.x.x> represents the version number.

    $ sudo chmod +777 /catalogic/upload/update_vstor_<x.x.x>.sh
  8. The script file and the ISO file should be in the same directory. Execute the update_vstor_<x.x.x>.sh script to perform the update using the ISO file, vstor_with_os_full_<x.x.x>.iso, as the argument to the script. See the example below.

    $ sudo ./update_vstor_<x.x.x>.sh  vstor_with_os_full_<x.x.x>.iso

    During the upgrade process, the internal database is upgraded and may take some time to complete. As the upgrade process continues, a dot will be printed to the screen every minute until the process is completed. Do not launch additional upgrade processes. If an upgrade is already in progress and it is relaunched, a message will be printed stating the PID of the running upgrade process. Additionally, a lock file is created to prevent another upgrade process from running. Finally, the upgrade process also saves a backup of the configuration database so that if the process is interrupted or fails, the configuration database can be restored and the upgrade can be retried by issuing vstor support upgrade.

  9. Once the process completes, restart the Catalogic vStor appliance.

Ensure that Catalogic vStor is updated.

Last updated