File Name Pattern for Catalogic DPX Logs

Catalogic DPX log files are created with a specific file name pattern.

Note. The log file name pattern and log format only applies to the node-based model.

Typically, the log files have the following path and name pattern:

<product directory>/logs/<hostname>_<yyyymmdd>.log

In this file path and name pattern, <product directory> represents the full path of the directory in which Catalogic DPX is installed, <hostname> represents the host name of the node, and <yyyymmdd> represents the time stamp of the time that you start logging.

Tip. The Catalogic DPX log utility starts logging with a new file at every midnight. For example, assume that you start logging at 11 PM on January 1 and stop it at 5 AM on January 3. In this case, you get three log files for one hour of January 1, 24 hours of January 2, and 5 hours of January 3.

If the environmental variable SSCMSGSIZE is set, the log files have the following path and name pattern:


In this file path and name pattern, <filenum> represents the number of the log file with the same timestamp, in two digits with leading zeros.

For example, assume that you enabled the SSMSGSIZE on one of your Catalogic DPX nodes, whose host name is my-dpx-node. Create Catalogic DPX log files two times on January 20, 22, and you get ./my-dpx-node_20220120_01.log and ./my-dpx-node_20220120_02.log.

Last updated