Completing an RRP Job Despite Master Server Interruption

In the event the master server experiences an interruption due to network or hardware issues, the RRP job will continue. Thus, it is not necessary to restart the RRP job from the beginning (which could lose many hours, or even days, of processing time). However, you do need to take some simple steps to ensure the RRP job completes successfully.

In the event of a master server interruption during a RRP job, the job monitor will indicate a status of Abort. However, the master server interruption only affects reporting of job progress; the RRP job continues.

To ensure the RRP job completes successfully, note the following:

  • To resolve the Abort condition and update job monitoring, re-run the RRP job. Note that this is not actually a job re-run. The re-run simply sync up the master server with the in-progress RRP job, and the job monitor will now indicate actual progress of the job.

  • If the RRP job has completed before the job re-run, the re-run will initiate the RRP post-completion phase, LUN cleanup. Although the RRP job continues while Abort is indicated, it will not proceed to LUN cleanup until the job is re-run to resolve the Abort condition.

  • If you want to cancel the RRP job for which Abort is indicated, you must re-run the job, then cancel.

  • While Abort is indicated, you can not start another RRP job based on the same Instant Virtualization VM. You must resolve the Abort condition first by re-running the job and either allowing it to complete or canceling it.

Last updated