2. Enable Asynchronous Deduplication on Master Server

Note: This procedure is for NetApp storage environments only. If you are deploying an open storage environment, skip to the next procedure: Test Backup and Restore.

For DPX to function efficiently, asynchronous deduplication support must be enabled on your master server. By default, this setting is not enabled.

The asynchronous deduplication setting in DPX can be checked and configured by using syncui commands. First invoke a command line that has all required variables, then run the required syncui commands to check asynchronous deduplication support setting, then reset it if needed.

To invoke a DPX command prompt:

  • From a Windows DPX node, click Start, click All Programs, then select the product folder, then choose Command Prompt. This sets some important environment variables.

  • From a Linux DPX node, set up the correct environment:

    • Bring up a terminal window, log in as root, and navigate to the bin directory under the main DPX installation directory. For typical installations, this will be /opt/DPX/bin.

    • Enter: . ./bexenv

      Warning: Files bexenv and bexads may be overwritten during upgrades. Users can add custom environment variable settings to the bexenv.conf and bexads.conf files using a text editor. The bexenv and bexenv.conf files are contained in the /opt/DPX/bin/ directory and the bexads and bexads.conf files are stored in the /opt/DPX/misc directory. These files will retain user added settings even after an upgrade.

    • Set the DISPLAY environment variable appropriately for your output device, if not already done.

To determine the asynchronous deduplication setting on your master server:

  1. At the Command Prompt window or terminal window that you just invoked, enter: syncui. Syncui can be found in the /opt/DPX/bin directory.

  2. Enter: c s localhost

Tip. If multiple NICs are present, substitute the IP Address for localhost.

  1. Enter: db login sysadmin sysadmin_password

  2. Enter: pref get ASYNC_ASIS_OPTIONS

If Y is returned, then asynchronous deduplication support is already enabled. If N is returned, then asynchronous deduplication support is disabled and you must enable it.

To enable asynchronous deduplication support, enter:


To disable asynchronous deduplication support, enter:


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