Configuring ACS Media Pools and Volumes

To create a media pool for an STK ACS library, define media pools for ACS libraries the same way as you would with standard libraries, except that the name given to the pool is not arbitrary.

Follow the steps in Adding a Media Pool. The only difference is that the media pool must have the name BEXSCn. C is one or more characters used to differentiate media pools that use the same scratch pool, and n is the number that you assigned to the scratch pool on the ACSLS server.

To use multiple media pools for one ACS, either have each media pool use a different scratch pool or have all the media pools share a scratch pool. To have multiple media pools use the same scratch pool, assign a different value to C in the media pool name. For example, to have two media pools that use category 1 as a scratch pool, give the first media pool the name BEXSA1 and the second the name BEXSB1.

Do not add media to the newly created media pool. The tapes that you assign to the scratch pool n on the ACS server are automatically added to the media pool BEXSCn when you perform a backup.

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