Catalogic DPX Support for Exchange

The following describes DPX changes and enhancements related to support of Exchange:

  • Previous version of Exchange employed storage groups, with multiple stores sharing transaction logs. In more recent versions of Exchange, stores are independent databases, with a transaction log for each database. Thus, you can now use DPX to restore individual databases without a need for repair.

  • DAGs have inbuilt clustering capability that enables up to 16 Exchange servers to replicate their databases within the DAG. DPX granular display of backup sources allows selection of individual Exchange database copies for backup. DPX can also seamlessly detect database failovers and automatically back them up. See Considerations for DAGs.

Note. For Exchange DAGs, DPX supports backup from either active or passive nodes. The restore is only allowed to an active node.

  • Verification of Exchange databases is now optional and can be throttled. Transaction logs are always verified. See Setting Verification Options for Microsoft Exchange Server.

  • With Exchange, DPX now supports restore to a new location and new Exchange server. You can restore to any directory on an Exchange server in the Enterprise. You can also choose to restore only transaction logs.

  • DPX now honors the Exchange property This database can be overwritten by a restore. If this property is not set, the restore will not be performed. See Setting the Exchange Overwrite Property for Restores.

  • With Exchange, DPX no longer automatically redirects restores (to Recovery Storage Groups in earlier releases of Exchange). You must explicitly select a recovery database in the DESTINATIONS panel of the Restore window.

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