Installing Catalogic DPX Backup Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V from Microsoft Windows PowerShell

You can install Catalogic DPX Backup Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V by using Microsoft Windows PowerShell instead of using the graphical interface as seen in the previous section.

The installation command that you use in Microsoft Windows PowerShell is structured as follows:

& '.\DPX Hyper-V Agent-1.0-win-x64-installer.exe' `
    --mode unattended `
    --password <String> `
    --adminUsername <String> `
    --adminPass <String>

There are four required parameters in this installation command:

  • --mode unattended invokes the installation of Catalogic DPX Backup Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V without using the graphical interface.

  • --password <String> specifies an arbitrary authorization key. Keep the authorization key and reuse it when you register the Microsoft Hyper-V node with Catalogic DPX.

  • --adminUsername <String>\<String> specifies the user domain name and user name of the Microsoft Hyper-V Server account.

  • --adminPass specifies the user password of the Microsoft Hyper-V Server account.

For example, assume that you want to install Catalogic DPX Backup Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V on Microsoft Hyper-V Server by using Microsoft Windows PowerShell. You have the following settings:

  • Authorization key: my@uther!zat!0nK3y

  • User domain name of the Microsoft Hyper-V Server account: AD-BEETBANK

  • User name of the Microsoft Hyper-V Server account: dee-parker

  • User password of the Microsoft Hyper-V Server account: zPh32g'8=VHf

You can use an installation command that is similar to the following example:

& '.\DPX Hyper-V Agent-1.0-win-x64-installer.exe' `
    --mode             unattended `
    --password         'my@uther!zat!0nK3y' `
    --adminUsername    'AD-BEETBANK\dee-parker' `
    --adminPass        'zPh32g`'8=VHf'

In addition, you can add the following optional parameters to the installation command:

  • [--port <Integer>] specifies the port number for TCP to communicate with the Microsoft Hyper-V host or cluster. The default port number is 50881.

  • [--installDir <Folder>] specifies the folder to install Catalogic DPX Backup Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V. The default value is “C:\Program Files\DPX\Hyper-V Agent”.

  • [--firewallRuleName <String>] specifies the rule name in Microsoft Windows Defender Firewall. The default name is “DPX Hyper-V Agent”.

  • [--unattendedmodeui minimal] enables the minimal graphical interface that shows a progress bar in a new window.

For example, assume that you want to install Catalogic DPX Backup Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V with the same configuration that you used in the previous example, and the following options:

  • Port: TCP 50882

  • The folder to install Catalogic DPX Backup Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V: C:\DPX\HypervAgent

  • The name of the new rule in Microsoft Windows Defender Firewall: “My rule”

  • Show the installation progress bar in a new window: Yes

You can use an installation command that is similar to the following example:

& '.\DPX Hyper-V Agent-1.0-win-x64-installer.exe' `
    --mode             unattended `
    --password         'secret' `
    --adminUsername    'AD-BEETBANK\dee-parker' `
    --adminPass        'zPh32g`'8=VHf' `
    --port             50882 `
    --installDir       'C:\DPX\HypervAgent' `
    --firewallRuleName 'My rule' `
    --unattendedmodeui minimal

In the folder that you installed Catalogic DPX Backup Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V, you can see the installation log file: installLog.txt. Ensure that Catalogic DPX Backup Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V is installed on the Microsoft Hyper-V host.

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