Chapter 12: Configuring Devices
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Normally the Device Configuration Wizard is the best way to configure new or additional devices and tape libraries. The Device Configuration Wizard can be run at any time.
Related Topics:
You need to use the manual procedures to configure devices and tape libraries not handled by the Device Configuration Wizard. The manual procedures are described in this topic.
Storage devices are the physical drives on which media volumes, such as tape cartridges, are processed. The Configure Device window enables you to define storage devices and arrange them in device clusters. You can also use the Configure Device window to view and modify your device configuration.
When you create a node group (using the Configure Enterprise window), you specify a default device cluster or tape library for the group. Later, when you define a backup or migrate job, you can override this default.
There are two types of storage device groupings, each having two setup variations. The groupings are device clusters and tape libraries. The variations are SAN (Storage Area Network) and non-SAN devices. A device cluster is a collection of devices grouped together logically by the system administrator. A tape library is a collection of devices that are physically grouped together. From a functional viewpoint, a tape library is analogous to a device cluster. Thus, tape libraries displayed in the management console are often listed along with device clusters under the heading Device Cluster. Following are the icons for the four variations. The SAN icons have a cyan fill.
Device Cluster
Tape Library
Click Configure on the Function Tab bar of the window, then click Devices.