Backing Up and Restoring SharePoint Portal Server 2003 and Windows SharePoint Services

Use the backup and restore instructions that follow in conjunction with Microsoft documentation based on how your infrastructure is configured. For more information about backing up and restoring SharePoint Portal 2003 and Windows SharePoint Services, see the following topics:

In the management console, on the File Backup window and the File Restore window, DPX displays SharePoint disks as named instance SQL Server 2000 disks.

The SharePoint administrator is responsible for identifying which files and databases need to be backed up or restored for a given SharePoint Portal Server 2003 or Windows SharePoint Services.

There are three major categories of files and databases that define a SharePoint infrastructure. These files and databases may reside on one or more servers. The three categories are:

IIS Configurations

The configuration of each SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Virtual server. These are retained by Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).

Portal Configurations

SharePoint Portal Server 2003 server and site configurations. These are retained in a single SQL Server 2000 database.

Portal Content Databases

SharePoint Portal 2003 content files. These are retained in one or more SQL Server 2000 databases.

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