DeleteVM Utility

The DeleteVM command and parameters are useful if you want to include VM deletion in a script.

To run the DeleteVM utility:

  1. Go to the Catalogic DPX command prompt (Start > Programs > DPX > DPX Command Prompt).

  2. Enter DeleteVM followed by its parameters

The following is the DeleteVM command (parameters in italics).

DeleteVM <p1-virtual-controller-name-IP> <p2-virtual-controller-username> <p3-virtual-controller-password> <p4-vm-datacenter> <p5-vm-name> <p6-secondary-name-IP> <p7-secondary-username> <p8-secondary-password>

The following describes the command parameters:


The IP address or resolvable name of the ESX server or vCenter Server.


The user name to log on to the ESX server or vCenter Server.


The password to log on to the ESX server or vCenter Server.


The datacenter to which the VM belongs.


The full VM pathname in VM View of the VM to be deleted


The IP address or resolvable name of the secondary (location of the snapshot used for virtualization)


User name to log on to the secondary


Password to log on to the secondary

Example DeleteVM Command

The following command, shown for Windows, cleans up the VM APX259, which is in datacenter Datacenter vSphere 4.1 Clus on ESX server vcenter1. The backup used to create the VM is on the secondary

E:\ABC\Ptools>.\DeleteVM vcenter1 administrator vcx1578 
"Datacenter vSphere 4.1 Clus" "Datacenter vSphere 4.1 Clus/APX259" root sysadmin

Note the following:

  • The fourth parameter, the datacenter, is in quotes because spaces are included: "Datacenter vSphere 4.1 Clus".

  • The fifth parameter, the full VM pathname, uses a forward slash, as required by VMware, and is enclosed in quotes: "Datacenter vSphere 4.1 Clus/APX259".

  • This is an example only. Refer to the DPX Compatibility Guide to see which versions of vSphere are supported.

See also. If an agentless backup job is no longer needed, you should first remove associated DPX backup instances in order to reclaim secondary storage space, and then delete the job to clean up the DPX catalog. For instructions, see Deleting Agentless Backup or Restore Jobs.

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