Tape Library Installation on Solaris

This procedure explains how to install a tape library for a Solaris controller node. DPX supports 64-bit versions of Solaris. The following is the procedure for tape library installation using the SGEN driver on Solaris:

  1. On your controller node, login as root at the command prompt.

    1. Enter vi /kernel/drv/sgen.conf.

    2. Uncomment the command #device-type-config-list=. Add the text "changer" to the end of the command.

    3. Uncomment all 15 target/lun pairs at the end of the file by removing the # sign. They follow the following format: #name="sgen" class="scsi" target=0 lun=0.

    4. Save the file and return to the command prompt.

    5. Enter add_drv sgen to load the SGEN driver.

    6. Verify your configuration by running cfgadm -al. Then verify that the tape drive is detected by running detect -q.

Note. If your media device is not present on the list, consult your Oracle documentation or your hardware vendor’s documentation for more information.

The following is sample output from detect -q:

SCSI Devices found:


Device                    Adapter     Target            Device

Id                        ID      BUS ID     LUN STATUS Type                     String

------------------------- ------- --- ------ --- ------ ------------------------ ---------------------------

/dev/scsi/changer/c2t0d0  2       1   0      0   0      Medium Changer Device    QUALSTARTLS-8211

/dev/rmt/0cn              2       1   1      0   0      Sequential Access Device HP      Ultrium 1-SCSI

/dev/rmt/1cn              2       1   2      0   0      Sequential Access Device HP      Ultrium 1-SCSI

/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s0        2       0   0      0   0      Direct Access Device     FUJITSU MAW3073NCSUN72G

/dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0        2       0   1      0   0      Direct Access Device     FUJITSU MAW3073NCSUN72G

Device                    Serial / Unique                                                    

Id                        Number / Id                              World Wide Name           Auto

------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------- ----

/dev/scsi/changer/c2t0d0  0002106406                               0 8 4f 0 0 20 24 26

/dev/rmt/0cn              HP      Ultrium 1-SCSI  HU72L05967                                 Yes

/dev/rmt/1cn              HP      Ultrium 1-SCSI  HU72L05974                                 Yes

/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s0        000722B0MB34    DAN0P760MB34

/dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0        000710B0LJL8    DAN0P730LJL8
  1. If your tape library is connected via a SAN, the LUN for the tape library media changers may be a non-zero integer. If so, detect -i does not detect this tape library. Perform the following:

    1. Make a note of the LUN and Target ID of each media changer by examining the tape library or other source.

    2. If the LUN is not zero, view the configuration file <filename>_sa.conf in user/kernel/drv and ensure there is a line representing this pair of Target ID (SCSI Target) and LUN. If not, manually create one by editing <filename>_sa.conf. The driver attempts to attach only the SCSI Targets and LUNs enumerated in this configuration file.

    3. Rerun detect -i from the bin/JB subdirectory to create any additional device mappings.

This concludes the installation of the tape library media changer device file under Solaris. To test the installation, proceed to Chapter 36: Tape Library Verification. Use the media changer device file name (for example, /dev/sync_sa/t1d0) as the argument for the tape library interface test program (JItest).

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