Chapter 14: Overview of Virtual Environment Protection

As explained in Disk-to-Disk Data Protection, you can protect Linux, UNIX, or Microsoft Windows Servers, or files in these systems by using Catalogic DPX Block Data Protection. In this case, however, you have to install Catalogic DPX Client on each system which is sometimes tedious for users and it consumes some system resources (Agent Backup).

With supported virtual environments, namely, VMware and Microsoft Hyper-V, you can protect your virtual machines (VMs) easily and efficiently by using extra features in Catalogic DPX. For example, you can create a new VM with similar configurations and copy backup data to it (Full Virtualization). Or, you can just map the snapshot data to the similar VM for a testing purpose (Instant Virtualization), and then copy the snapshot data to the VM (Rapid Restore to Production" or RRP). Moreover, you can register VMs with Catalogic DPX and protect these VMs without installing Catalogic DPX Client on every VM (Agentless Backup). In VMware, you can use Catalogic DPX Plug-In for VMware vSphere Client and operate basic tasks, such as backing up VMs, from VMware vSphere Client without logging into Catalogic DPX.

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