Installation on SharePoint Nodes

In general, when installing DPX on a server, follow the standard installation procedures. (For details, see Chapter 5: Local Installation in the Reference Guide.)

However, if using a given front-end SharePoint server as a SharePoint control node, follow the SharePoint control node installation procedure. For details, see To install DPX on a SharePoint control node.

Note. Establish at least one SharePoint control node when using DPX to protect a SharePoint application. For more information about control nodes, see Establishing SharePoint Control Nodes.

  • If you need to install DPX on multiple SharePoint servers, as in the case of a SharePoint farm, install DPX on each SharePoint node that needs protection; this includes every front-end server, database server, and index server that is part of the SharePoint farm. In addition, designate at least one of those servers to act as the designated SharePoint control node for SharePoint.

  • If you need to install DPX for a stand-alone configuration, use the SharePoint control node installation process to deploy DPX on that server.

Note. By default, DPX automatically adds physical nodes to the Enterprise during installation. If for some reason, the DPX installation fails to create a physical node, add physical nodes to the Enterprise using the management console, as described in Adding Physical SharePoint Nodes to the Enterprise.

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