Saving Restore Jobs

After you have completed the restore definition, you must save the definition as a restore job. Take the following steps to save a restore job:

  1. Open the Save Job dialog box by doing one of the following:

    • Right-click the enterprise name or icon to display a context menu, then select Save Job.

    • From the menu bar, select File > Save Job.

    • On the task panel, click Save Job.

  2. The Save Job dialog opens.

  3. Select a job from the Job List pull-down menu or enter a new job name in the Job Name field. You can use up to 64 alphanumeric characters, no spaces, for a job name.

  4. Select a job folder from the Job Folder Name pull-down menu.

  5. Enter or change an optional comment. Click OK.

The restore job is saved.

Note. There may also be a check box: “Delete Job when Done”. When this option is checked, your job definition will be deleted once the job completes successfully. It will not be deleted if the job fails. In most cases, you should leave this check box unselected since you will usually want to re-run a job. If you select the check box, the values you entered for it will be lost after the job runs.

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