Running a Job from the Job Monitor

To run a job from the job monitor:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Right-click the selected job name or icon to display a context menu. Then select Start.

    • From the menu bar, select Scheduler > Select and Run Any Job.

    • On the task panel, click Select and Run Any Job.

    The Select and Run Any Job dialog appears.

  2. Select the Job Type of the job you want to start. The pull-down Job Name list changes to match the job type. Select the job you want to start by name, then click OK.

    Tip. When you select certain job types, a second dialog appears. For example, a backup job may cause a Specify Backup Type dialog to appear.

  3. Make the appropriate selection(s) if a second dialog appears and click OK to start the job.

The job appears in the Job List with the appropriate status.

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