Before You Begin

Complete the following tasks:

  • Download the Catalogic DPX Master Server OVA file from Catalogic MySupport website.

  • Run MD5 Checksum on the downloaded file. Verify that the generated checksum matches the one provided in the MD5 Checksum file, which is part of the software download.

  • During deployment, you will be prompted to enter network properties from the VMware user interface. You can enter a static IP address configuration or leave all fields blank to use a DHCP configuration. After entering the host name for the Catalogic DPX Master Server, ensure that the host name is also added to your DNS.

Note the following considerations:

  • The Catalogic DPX Master Server is created as a virtual machine that requires 4 CPUs and 16GB memory.

  • Both thick and thin provisioning are supported. Thick provisioning should be used for optimal performance. A minimum of 270 GB must be available on the datastore to which the DPX Master Server is deployed when deployed using thick provisioning.

  • Consider configuring an IP address pool that is associated with the VM network to where the DPX Master Server will be deployed. Correct configuration of the IP address pool includes the setup of IP address range (if used), netmask, gateway, DNS search string, and one or more DNS server IP address. A default gateway must be configured properly before deployment. Multiple DNS strings are supported and must be separated by commas without the use of spaces.

  • If the hostname of the DPX Master Server changes after deployment, either through user intervention or if a new IP address is acquired through DHCP, the virtual appliance must be restarted.

  • For later versions of vSphere, the vSphere Web Client may be required to deploy the DPX Master Server.

  • DPX Master Server has not been tested for IPv6 environments.

Last updated