Options for bexdb2util and CatView
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Queries the server for DB2 objects. The syntax for -search is:
The valid arguments are:
Include only table space backup images.
Include backup objects that have expired.
takenat tmstamp
Specifies a backup image by its time stamp tmstamp. The format of the time stamp variable is ccyymmddhhmmss. For example, noon on January 1, 2002 would be represented by 20020101120000. It does not apply to log images.
Include database and table space.
Include only log archive images.
between sn1 and sn2
Specifies that the logs between the log sequence number sn1 and log sequence number sn2 are to be included.
Copies DB2 objects from the server to the specified directory on the local machine. If the directory is not specified, objects are copied to the current directory. The syntax for -extract is:
The valid arguments are:
Include only table space backup images.
Include backup objects that have expired.
takenat tmstamp
Specifies a backup image by its time stamp tmstamp. The format of the time stamp variable is ccyymmddhhmmss. For example, noon on January 1, 2002 would be represented by 20020101120000. It does not apply to log images.
Include database, table space, and log archive images.
To run -extract, you must be on the node from which the backup originated. -extract transfers an image to the node running bexdb2util.
Performs consistency checking of the backup copy on the server. The syntax for -verify is:
The valid arguments are:
Include only table space backup images.
Include backup objects that have expired.
takenat tmstamp
Specifies a backup image by its time stamp tmstamp. It does not apply to log images.
Displays messages and status to the console while the utility is running.
Include database, tablespace, and log archive images.
Note that -verify performs an -extract. To run -verify, you must be on the node from which the backup originated. Additionally, for -verify, the destination option (-destination dirn, defined below) must be included.
Expires backup objects or deletes log archives on the server. The syntax for -delete is:
To complete a deletion of a DB2 backup job, you must run a Catalog condense.
The valid arguments are:
Include only table space backup images.
keep ndays
Keep only the most recent ndays days according to time stamp. ndays is a numeric variable.
older tmstamp
Specifies that objects with a time stamp earlier than the specified tmstamp will expire.
takenat tmstamp
Specifies a backup image by its time stamp tmstamp. It does not apply to log images.
Include database and table space.
Include only log archive images.
between sn1 and sn2
Specifies that the logs between the log sequence number sn1 and log sequence number sn2 are to be included.
-master mas
Specifies the name mas of the master server.
-user user
Specifies the user ID user of the master server administrator.
-password pw
Specifies the password pw of the master server.
-bexnodename bname
Considers only those images associated with a backup that was initiated by a specific Enterprise node named bname.
-database dbn
Considers only those objects associated with the specified database name dbn. It does not apply to logs. The default is all databases.
-destination dirn
Instructs the utility to extract to a specified directory dirn before taking action. For -extract, If no directory is specified, the utility will extract to the current directory. For -verify, this argument is required.This argument is applicable to -extract and -verify only.
-nodeno nn
Considers only those objects created by the specified DB2 node number nn. If nn is left unspecified, it will default to 0.
-owner own
Considers only those objects created by the specified DB2 owner own. The default is all owners meeting the other statement criteria.
Specifies that the user is not prompted for verification before objects are deleted. If this is not specified, the user will be prompted.
-instance instname
Considers only those objects created by the specified instname.