Offline Autoupdate Method

If you limit the Internet access with Catalogic DPX Master Server, you have to store the update package files in the repository directory in it and invoke the autoupdate. Take the following steps so that the autoupdate can load and install the update package files from the repository directory.

  1. From your web browser, sign in to the Catalogic Software MySupport website.

  2. Go to the product page for Catalogic DPX 4.8.0. See the section Software Updates and the table, DPX Core Updates. Download the Java archive (JAR) file for the operating system that you are using.

Tip. You will apply the update files to every node in your backup Enterprise.

  1. In the Catalogic DPX Master Server, locate the repository directory: <product directory>/updates/packages/

  2. For Catalogic DPX for Microsoft Windows, replace the slashes (/) by backslashes (\).

    Copy the JAR file to the repository directory in the system to update.

Attention! Do not rename the JAR file.

  1. Take the same steps for the online autoupdate method, but select Check for updates using already downloaded patches in the autoupdate dialog.

  2. When the Authentication dialog appears, click OK without entering the User ID or password, and follow the instructions so that you can install the software update packages in the repository directory.

Last updated