Direct Access Recovery with Generic NDMP

Direct Access Recovery of NDMP data can significantly increase restore speed. DPX supports DAR for NDMP data.

Direct Access Recovery allows you to retrieve objects for restore without having to scan the entire backup image. When you use DAR, DPX does not mount (and scan) every tape that was part of a large backup job. Instead it mounts only the last tape to obtain important job information and the tapes that contain the objects to restore.

Enable DAR support in DPX only if you are sure the NDMP server supports it. To enable DAR support in DPX, set the NDMP Recover Mode on the Restore Destination Options dialog box to Direct.

The following rules apply for Direct Access Recovery:

  • During backup, File History processing must be enabled and it must be successful. File History data contains information necessary for DAR.

  • Your NDMP server must provide DAR information in the File History data. Some servers do not provide DAR information even though File History is generated.

Note. Some servers provide DAR information only for certain types of objects, such as files.

  • The NDMP server where you are restoring must support DAR processing.

  • The method used to enable DAR processing must use the NDMP environment variable DIRECT=Y. This prevents introduction of vendor specific code.

  • Some NDMP servers can not use DAR mode if a folder has been selected.

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