Creating New File Exclusion Rules

You can create a new file exclusion rule in either of two ways:

  • By recalling an existing rule, revising it, and saving it under a new name.

  • By creating a new file exclusion rule from scratch.

To recall an existing rule, revise it, and save it under a new name:

  1. Open the File Exclusion dialog box by doing one of the following:

    • Right-click on the enterprise name or icon to display a context menu. Then select Edit File Exclusion Rule.

    • From the menu bar, select Backup > Edit File Exclusion Rule.

    • On the task panel, click Edit File Exclusion Rule.

    The File Exclusion dialog box appears.

  2. From the Rule Names list, select the rule you want to revise. The existing exclusion patterns for that rule appear in the Exclusion Patterns For box.

  3. Select Copy from the task menu at the upper left of the dialog box. You will be prompted to enter a new file exclusion rule name.

  4. Enter a unique rule name. Click OK. The new rule name appears in the Rule Names list. The new rule inherits the exclusion pattern of the original rule. The exclusion patterns appear in the Exclusion Patterns For box.

  5. Add an exclusion pattern to that rule, if you want:

    1. In the New Exclusion Patterns field, enter the file name or file pattern that describes the file(s) you want to exclude.

    2. Select Add from the task menu at the lower left of the dialog box. The new exclusion pattern is added to the Exclusion Patterns For list.

    3. Repeat Steps 5.1 and 5.2 for each additional exclusion pattern you want to add.

  6. Edit an exclusion pattern in that rule, if you want:

    1. In the Exclusion Patterns For box, select the pattern you want to edit. It will become highlighted.

    2. Select Edit from the task menu at the lower left of the dialog box. You will be prompted to edit the pattern.

    3. Revise the exclusion pattern. The revision appears on the Exclusion Patterns For list.

    4. Repeat Steps 6.1 through 6.3 for each additional exclusion pattern you want to edit.

  7. Delete an exclusion pattern from that rule, if you want:

    1. In the Exclusion Patterns For box, select the pattern you want to delete. It will become highlighted.

    2. Select Delete from the task menu at the lower left of the dialog box. The selected exclusion pattern disappears from the Exclusion Patterns For list.

    3. Repeat Steps 7.1 and 7.2 for each additional exclusion pattern you want to delete.

  8. Click OK. The new file exclusion rule is created and appears in the Rule Names list.

  9. Assign the file exclusion rule to a job definition by following the steps in Assigning File Exclusion Rules. Related Topics:

To create a new file exclusion rule from scratch:

  1. Open the File Exclusion dialog box by doing one of the following:

    • Right-click on the enterprise name or icon to display a context menu. Then select Edit File Exclusion Rule.

    • From the menu bar, select Backup > Edit File Exclusion Rule.

    • On the task panel, click Edit File Exclusion Rule.

    The File Exclusion dialog box appears.

  2. In the New Rule Name field, enter the name of your new rule.

  3. Add an exclusion pattern to that rule:

    1. In the New Exclusion Patterns field, enter the file name or file pattern that describes the files you want to exclude.

    2. Select Add from the task menu at the lower left of the dialog box. The new exclusion pattern is added to the Exclusion Patterns For list.

    3. Repeat Steps 3.1 and 3.2 for each additional exclusion pattern you want to add.

  4. Click OK. The new file exclusion rule is created and appears in the Rule Names list.

  5. Assign the file exclusion rule to a job definition by following the steps in Assigning File Exclusion Rules. Related Topics:

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