
If you set up your tape library by using Manual Setup (Process B), detection is the first step. The DPX Detect utility is also a handy tool for troubleshooting down the road.

The Detect utility allows you to display and map media changers and tape drives that are accessible from a given device server or controller node. This utility is found in the /bin/JB subdirectory of the main directory.

Detect can be run from any machine on your network under an administrative User ID.

See also. For the latest system compatibility details regarding supported hardware, file systems, applications, operating systems, and service packs, see Catalogic DPX 4.9.0 Compatibility Guide.

If you are using third party software no longer supported by the vendor, Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support may be limited for functions dependent on that software. To address certain issues, the Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support may recommend you upgrade the relevant software.

The AIX platform offers limited support, meaning that the configuration phase is not supported and the detection phase may miss some properties such as the World Wide Name or Serial Number. Other platforms offer full support meaning that the Detect utility can detect devices and obtain their vendor ID, product ID, SCSI Target, LUN, etc., plus their World Wide Name and Serial Number. Besides the detection phase, this utility can create (configure) device files.

Some versions of UNIX detect require running in a shell that has the appropriate environment setup. For details contact Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support.

Last updated