About Oracle Backup and Restore

About Oracle Backup and Restore Four components are used to back up and restore Oracle:

  • The Oracle backup utility RMAN.

    This utility is responsible for collecting the data from the database.

  • The RMAN script.

    RMAN uses a script to determine what data to back up, what type of backup (base, incremental) to perform, and how and where to send the data it collects from the database. Sample commented RMAN scripts are installed by the Oracle interface installation described below. Simply edit these scripts to suit your needs. Related Topics:

  • The Media Management Layer (MML).

    The MML transfers the data collected by RMAN to DPX. The transfer follows specifications in the parameter file. The MML is installed using the Oracle interface installation instructions below.

  • The parameter file.

    The parameter file is used by the MML to determine how to send data to and where to store it on the network. This file is a set of variable_name/value pairs that are set up using the Oracle interface installation instructions below.

Note. During jobs on a Windows platform that involve Oracle, one BEXpipe.exe task is run per data stream. This assures that code is run in a separate address space from Oracle.

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