Silent Install, Upgrade, and Uninstall on UNIX or Linux

If you have an infrastructure to distribute binaries and trigger binaries or scripts, silent upgrade may be useful.

To silently install on a UNIX or Linux client node, enter the following command:

./<installer_name_bin> --mode unattended --serverName <ip_address_of_master_server>


./DPX-4.9.0-aix-installer.bin --mode unattended --serverName

To silently upgrade a UNIX or Linux client node:

  1. Copy the appropriate installer to the product directory (for example, /opt/BEX).

  2. Run the silent installer from the product directory, using the following command:

     ./<installer_name_bin> --mode unattended --serverName <ip_address_of_master_server> --smartUpgrade 1

To silently uninstall a UNIX or Linux client node, use the following command:

./<product-directory>/uninstall/uninstall_DPX --mode unattended

Note. If you are uninstalling DPX after upgrading from SLES 11 to SLES 12, you must first consult with and read knowledge base article 47169.

To view all available options, use the following command:

./<installer_name_bin> --help

Last updated