Example Configurations

The following are example configurations based on some common scenarios.


The easiest configuration is to have only the SYSADMIN group in your Enterprise. This may be appropriate if you have a small Enterprise. All the resources are automatically assigned to the SYSADMIN group. You may assign trusted users as administrators to the SYSADMIN group.

One Administrator Group

If your Enterprise is small enough that you do not want to break up the resource assignments, but if you have untrusted users, then you should configure one administrator group. This may be appropriate for small to medium enterprises in which you have operations level personnel that need to interact with DPX to load and unload tapes, for example.

All the resources that you have configured should be assigned to one administrator group, and administrators with varying privilege classes should be created in that administrator group.

Multiple Administrator Groups

If you have a large Enterprise where you need to distinguish resources due to geography or business needs, then it is best to create multiple administrator groups each corresponding to such a distinction. A resource can be assigned to more than one administrator group, enabling selected resources to be shared among administrator groups.

Hierarchical Administrator Groups

If you have a large Enterprise where you expect to have layers of administrators for , then you may want to create a hierarchy of administrator groups. For example, if you want to create an administrator group that is in control of two geographically isolated administrator groups (AGx and AGy), then you can create a new administrator group (AGa) with both administrator groups assigned to it. Any resource that is assigned to either AGx or AGy is automatically assigned to the members of AGa.

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