Selecting SharePoint Backup Sources
To select SharePoint Application Virtual Node Components:
In the Select Source step of the Block Backup Wizard, click the SharePoint_Group virtual node group icon to display a list of available virtual nodes.
Click the appropriate virtual node icon for the SharePoint application.
Expand the SharePoint application icon to display the SharePoint components of that application.
Click the selection boxes that appear under the SharePoint application icon for SharePoint components. You can only select the components that are eligible for selection. Components that appear next to a gray check box are not eligible for selection.
If you select the SharePoint disk, DPX backs up all SharePoint components, including the Content Databases, Configuration and Central Admin Databases, and the SharePoint Foundation Search Database and Index Files, including WSS and MOSS.
You can only select WSS Search Index files and search databases together.
You can only select shared-service providers (SSPs) in their entirety, including the SSP database, Search database, Index files, and the administration web application database.
To Select SharePoint Physical Node Components:
In the Select Source step of the Block Backup Wizard, click the physical nodes group icons to display a list of available physical nodes.
Click the appropriate physical node icon.
Expand the physical node icon to display the components of that physical node.
Click the selection boxes that appear under the physical node icon for physical node components.
If you already know the names of the physical nodes that need to be a part of this backup, select each of the physical nodes in the Select Source Step of the wizard.
If you do not already know the names of the physical nodes associated with the SharePoint applications, you can select servers from the SharePoint Servers dialog box, which displays a list of servers that are a part of this farm. For more information about using the SharePoint Servers window to select items for back up, see To Open the SharePoint Servers Window in a Backup Session.
Note. For instructions on using the Block Backup Wizard, see Block Backup Wizard.
To Select SharePoint Application and Physical Node Components Together:
If you need to create a backup job for a SharePoint application that is running on a multi-server SharePoint architecture, your strategy for creating that backup job should consider the following:
If you only select the SharePoint application (from the virtual node) DPX will back up all of the SharePoint databases and index files, but it will not provide a full backup of each physical node that belongs to that farm. To make this backup provide full protection of that farm’s physical nodes, you must also select each physical node for inclusion with this backup job. Remember that a SharePoint application backup that provides full protection of a farm’s physical nodes will require a large amount of storage space, and it will have a longer run time.
About the SharePoint Servers Window
The SharePoint Servers window provides information about the servers that belong to a SharePoint farm. Each line in this window displays information about that server:
In a Protect session, the Selection column provides a check box that lets you add this node into a backup job. In a Restore session, the Protected column is a read-only, Yes or No indication of the protection status for this server. The appearance of the Yes value indicates that this server is protected, either in partial, or in full.
Node Name
The name of this node, as defined in the configuration of the Enterprise.
Group Name
This node’s assigned group, as defined in the configuration of the Enterprise.
Host Name
The host name for this node.
The SQL alias for this server. SharePoint uses this alias to connect to this server. If you use a SQL alias for configuring SharePoint, DPX will try to find the physical server name for that alias and try to backup the components on that server. At this time, DPX only supports aliases created using either the TCP/IP or the Named Pipes network libraries.
Server Type
The role of this node in the SharePoint farm.
The SharePoint Servers window is an important component of both the backup and the restore processes. For specific information about how this window operates in a backup or a restore session, see the appropriate topic in this chapter:
The Appearance of Physical Nodes in the SharePoint Servers Window
The physical nodes of a farm are grayed out in the dialog when:
The master server cannot resolve the host name of the physical node where SharePoint is installed.
The physical nodes of the farm are not part of the Enterprise. If a physical node is not part of a Enterprise, DPX will display that server’s Windows host name or IP address, as defined in the SharePoint configuration.
Note. For instructions on adding this missing node to the Enterprise, see Adding Physical SharePoint Nodes to the Enterprise. For further instructions on adding this node to a particular backup job for protection, see Selecting SharePoint Backup Sources.
The Appearance of Physical Cluster Nodes in the SharePoint Servers Window
DPX will represent a cluster in one grouping; the cluster’s virtual node name will appear at the top of the group, and the name of each individual cluster node will appear on the indented lines that follow. Any nodes that appear in this indented list are physical nodes that belong to the cluster, and as a group they will all have the same background color.
In a backup, when you select the cluster virtual node, all of the physical nodes are automatically selected, but when de-selecting, you have to de-select each physical node, one by one.
A cluster’s physical node does not have a “server type” classification.
To Open the SharePoint Servers Window in a Backup Session:
Right-click the SharePoint application icon and select the SharePoint Servers menu option.
The SharePoint servers window appears. In a backup session, you can use this window to select one or more physical nodes that are part of the SharePoint farm. In this window, the check box that appears at the start of each line indicates if that this server is selected for backup. In a backup session, you can use the SharePoint Servers window to select items for inclusion in a backup job, but you cannot use the check boxes to deselect any items. If you need to remove a node from this backup job, close this window and make your adjustments in the SOURCES pane.
Last updated