Formatting Tape Library Media

Use this function to format tape volumes contained in a tape library.

To format a media volume:

  1. Select the Format Tape Volume function by doing one of the following:

    • From the menu bar, select Function > Format Tape.

    • On the task panel, click Format Tape.

  2. Do one of the following to execute the operation.

    Tip. You can select multiple tape library slots, drives, and import/export ports. Select any of the resources in the tape library by clicking it. To select a range of resources SHIFT-click the last resource in the range. To select additional resources without unselecting those already selected, CTRL-click each subsequent resource to be selected.

    • Select the tape library slot containing the media volume to be formatted and drag the media volume onto an empty drive (device).

    • Select the tape library slot containing the media volume you want to format and select an empty drive (device).

    Once you’ve selected the media volume, click GO.

DPX acquires the drive and loads the media volume.

DPX checks if the media volume has a label. If the media volume is unlabeled, DPX formats it. If the media volume you select already has a label, DPX displays this label and does not format the media volume.

If you need to format labeled media volumes, set the Ignore VOLSER option as described in Labeling Using Ignore Read Error and Ignore VOLSER Options.

After the media volume is formatted, DPX returns the media volume to its original slot.

Note. For AML, IBMATL, and ACSLS tape libraries, the Format function is inactive.

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