Using SPOR with Instant Access: A Quick Example

In this example, assume that the backup functionality provided by DPX Block Data Protection has created a SharePoint backup of a Windows 2008 SQL server. This backup job ran once as a full backup of the Windows 2008 SQL server and it subsequently created a snapshot of the C: drive on the secondary storage device.

When you use Instant Access on a server that has a SPOR installation, you can map this snapshot to a drive. See Mapping a Block Backup Instance to a Drive Letter in the User’s Guide.

A newly mapped drive contains an exact duplicate of each database file, as recorded for that specific date and time in the node’s DPX Data Protection backup.

Note. There are two available backups for SharePoint: the data files, as found in the C: drive on the physical node, and the application itself, which appears underneath the tree branch for the SharePoint virtual node. Instant Access only provides mapping functionality for data files.

Making a Source Path Selection

In this step, you launch SPOR from your SharePoint node and use IA mapping to select the G: drive as the source path. After you navigate through the path to the location of the content database to restore, SPOR displays a listing of all available SharePoint entities on-screen exactly as they appear in the content database backup.

Making a Target Server Selection

In the next step, you select a target server restore location. When making a target server selection, you can choose to select an alternate SharePoint database server or you can elect to save those individually recovered items in a new location on the same source server.

Selecting Files and Completing the Restore Process

Using SPOR, you can drill down through the file structure and browse the sites, documents, folders, lists, and libraries to locate the items to restore. You can also perform a search based on multiple criteria, searching across one or more content databases, and you can elect to see all available versions of a file in one screen.

To execute the recovery of one or more SharePoint objects, drag-and-drop each item from the Source panel to the Target panel.

At the completion of the recovery, close the SPOR application.

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