Chapter 41: Using Oracle StorageTek Automated Cartridge System Library

Oracle StorageTek Automated Cartridge System Library, formerly known as StorageTek ACS, is a tape library storage system that can hold a large number of tapes. The ACS consists of slots, one or more robots, and tape drives. Catalogic DPX interacts differently with an ACS than with other storage devices, and consequently, the ACS is configured differently than other tape libraries. Whereas Catalogic DPX controls most tape library robotics via direct SCSI commands, commands to an ACS-based system are issued via an interface to a system running StorageTek software. The system that receives the commands and, in turn, issues commands to the robotic device can be either a UNIX server running the Oracle Automated Cartridge Library software (ACSLS) or a mainframe running LibAttach. ACSLS and LibAttach are software products sold and supported by StorageTek.

The server system which receives the ACS commands from the client system does not require the software to be running. The client system that issues the commands to the ACS server system must have Catalogic DPX installed and configured within the Enterprise where backups are run.

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