Implementing Pre-Script and Post-Script for Snapshots Operations

You can use scripts in conjunction with DPX Block Data Protection to support applications not directly supported by DPX Block Data Protection.

It is the responsibility of the administrator/developer to set up the non-natively supported application for backup and to return it to its proper state.

Implementing pre-script and post-script automation can also be used to take a snapshot of a database before the entire backup job is run. This significantly reduces the downtime for a database or application that is required to be taken offline during a backup because the time required for a snapshot is much less than the time required for an entire job.

See also. For the latest system compatibility details regarding supported hardware, file systems, applications, operating systems, and service packs, see the Compatibility Guide.

The following script types instruct DPX how to behave:

presnap scripts are executed before snapshots are taken.

postsnap scripts are executed after snapshots are taken.

postxfer scripts are executed after the data transfers are completed.

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